Day 48: Yikes! Stripes!
I don’t know exactly how to preface this oddball, so…um…er…
Check this out! 🙂
Is anybody else thinking of this blast from the past?
Yikes! Stripes!
I don’t even remember actually liking the taste of this stuff. I just thought the stripes were really cool. 🙂
However, as far as this dress goes, I need a little less stripeage. 🙂
I’m going to forget about the top part for now, and work with that stripey skirt. I decided to turn the bottom of the skirt into the top of a new dress! 🙂
It didn’t quite fit me, so I added elastic, using the existing hem as a casing.
Elastic! It’s Fantastic!
I threaded it through using my oh-so-handy safety pin, and then sewed the elastic together.
Next, I hemmed the raw edge at the bottom. 🙂
Stitchy Stitchy!
I think I’ve removed the Yikes Factor, don’t you? 🙂
No Yikes…Just Stripes!
I took a break from work to stroll over to KC Hotdogs for a tasty Veggie Carolina Dog! 🙂
Le Nom!
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15 Responses to Day 48: Yikes! Stripes!
Love it! Very French! 🙂
Adorable! And Fruit Stripe gum was so nasty but I wanted to love it because of the stripes!
I used to get that weird flavorless gum all the time. And you’re right…it wasn’t very good.
That’s a new kind of YIKES babe!! Hot!
Xo Steph
Thank ya! 🙂
hahah awesome.. tkz for sharing
Sorry, am still laughing at that first photo – but my, what a chic little “Mam´zelle” you look by the end of the refashion. Ooh, la, la!
Seriously…what is UP with that dress? It’s huge at the top and super-narrow at the bottom. I’ve never seen anything quite like it!
Very cute. This transformation really came out fantastic! Love it.
Thanks! I’m a sucker for teal, so I’m fond of it. 🙂
This is one of my favorites! Good job.
Ah! So nice! I agree with “charityshopchic”, very french!
Sooo super cute! Love it!
Love that “new” dress! Fruit stripes gum, it was sweet. I think that was the only thing it had going.
Hi, I found you over at Refashion Co-op and had to come over to say what a great job you’ve done. That first photo really made me laugh!
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