Melissa’s Tantalizingly Teal Reader ReFash! | ReFashionista

Melissa’s Tantalizingly Teal Reader ReFash!

Yay!  It’s time for another Reader ReFash!  🙂

This one comes from Melissa in Canada!

Totally Teal! 🙂

Here’s what she has to say about it:

I love this dress and it looks so awesome on her (the kiddo makes a cute accessory too!)!  I also love that she’s posting all the cool stuff she’s making on Facebook!  🙂   I know that everyone doesn’t have the time or inclination to start a blog, but you should still share your  creations with the world.  Inspire your friends to have some creative & thrifty fun too!

Thanks so much Melissa!  You’ve knocked this refash right out of the park!

If you have a refashion you’d like to submit to be shown here on ReFashionista, just shoot me an email with your pics at!


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21 Responses to Melissa’s Tantalizingly Teal Reader ReFash!

This is so very cute!!!! I LOVE the way you used the ruffle Melissa. Another thing that I think is cute is that little Sofia has two different shoes on in the photos! 🙂 She is starting her own fashion trend! Heehee….

Thanks Brea! Yes, that is what she (Sofia) wore that day. She refused to wear a matching shoes. She is my little fashionista!! 🙂

Its Adorable!!

Thank you Carmen!

It’s lovely…see what an inspiration you are! Fabulous colour too.

Thank you Chica. Yes, Indeed Jillian is an inspiration. The dress actually costs only $2 at the thrift store. 🙂



Thank you Lauren!:)

Such clever ladies! I’m tempted to head on down to my local charity shop, and to pull out the sewing machine. What an incredible way to recycle. I really appreciate your list of other Refashions, so I can find even more inspiration 🙂

I absolutely love this! And what an adorable little girl! 🙂

Thank you Jen! Your refashioning at lovely too!

Aaaw, thanks! 🙂

Melissa, what is the name of your blog? 🙂

What a beautiful color, and a small child always makes a great “accessory”!

Thank you Meg!

Would not get all these idea if not for Jillian. Thank you much for keeping us all inspired! You’re a wonderful person. It’s an honor to be part of your blog. Now, I know how it feels being contacted by a celebrity! Again, thank you. From me and Sofia!

Very nice – looks great on you, Melissa. I especially like the trim from the top put onto the skirt portion.

Thank you Jenny!

From an outdated “church lady” dress to a cute and versatile dress. Well done!

Thank you Jennifer!

Beautiful refashion! The flowy teal makes me even more anxious for spring.

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