The Perfect Little Black Dress
This is an epic day, my friends! I’ve done it! I have created the perfect refashion! What follows is my by far my personal favorite refashion to date! 🙂
It started off pretty ominously with this wool/acrylic blend turtleneck dress that wasn’t doing me any favors. :/
Pretty terrible, eh?
I wasn’t even sure what I could do to save this one…so, I started cutting!
When in doubt, just start chopping things!
I closed up that raw edge at the top of the dress…
…then I threw this barren husk of a dress on my dress form inside-out and started taking it in!
It’s not very exciting yet, is it?
I ran each side through my machine, and was left with an okay-looking tube dress.
But that just wasn’t good enough!
I cut off the sleeves from the original dress…
Chop! And Chop!
And pinned them to the top of my new dress.
Le Front!
Le Back!
This is about the time I started getting really excited!!!
I stitched my new sleeves down…
Two rows of stitchery!
…and now I have a perfect little black dress! 🙂
Here’s how I wore it at work:
Office Chic!
…and here’s how I wore it at play! 🙂
If you look in the mirror behind me, you can see the back!
So, why am I so ecstatic about this really basic dress?
I kept rocking my frock into the wee hours of the morning!
I even stole a hat!
My favorite beverage of the moment!
This was a special evening, in which I attended a midnight showing of the most brilliant movie ever in the entire universe, known as The Room!
Oh hai Tommy!
Oh hai movie theater!
So now I have created the perfect little black dress, and I’ve shown you how to do the same. I think I can quit this blog now and die happy! 🙂
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54 Responses to The Perfect Little Black Dress
soo cute! I am always amazed what you can do! I can’t sew on a button! Well, I can, but it usually falls off.
Wow!!!! That turned out great-I bow down to your great seamstress abilities- xo Diana
Love it!!
This is fabulous! I alway think I won’t be amazed at your next creation because I think you can’t top what I’ve just seen . . . Bravo, you always surpass your last masterpiece!
What a creative girl…..good job!!
Absolute genious! You inspire me…
Outstanding job! And “The Room” is no less than brilliant.
Wow…..such a great job!
Loved it when I saw it on you last night, love it even more now–genius!
Excellent work!
You’ve created the perfect LBD. That dress is so versatile. Fabulous refashion (^_^)
This dress is super flattering on you. I love your “at play” shoes, too!
Love this one! I have been following for a while and find you inspiring and exciting. I recently started my own blog to track my transformation to a healthier version of myself. As my body changes my clothes need to do the same. I can’t afford to and don’t want to buy new clothes at each stage. So with the tips and ideas I have gotten from you, I am beginning my adventure into refashioning! I mentioned you and linked to your site recently from
Thank you for your unknowing contribution to my journey. This idea of refashioning clothes will be the gift that keeps on giving.
Love it!!
Love it! Well done you. Fit is perfect and you will be able to wear this anywhere! Really like your purple and green shoes too.
PS I know you can die happy now but please don’t quit the blog 😉
I won’t quit mine if you don’t quit yours! 🙂 Seriously…I’m a huge freakin fan. You make me want to be a better person…at math. 😉
I love both of your blogs!!!! Both of your blogs are always awesome!!!! Not only is this dress adorable….it can be worn on different body types and any age can wear it! I am waiting for both of you to go on Project Runway!!!!!
Very, very elegant…you have such a great figure too!
Wow! I have a long sleeved t-shirt that might benefit from the same treatment on a shorter scale. I just have to get brave enough to start chopping! Thanks so much for sharing your genius!
Amazing, this dress is so cute!
I love it! Thanks for the inspiration!
I have a dream of making my own clothes but am terrified of the process. HOWEVER, I am not terrified of this remake. It’s perfect and even I know I could do that – and that my friends, is saying something.
You amaze me more and more with each new post!! Awesome dress!! You look great in everything…that’s not fair!! 🙂
~ Darlene
My Gosh this is also my firm favorite refashion- the sleeves used as the top bit was truly inspirational! Looks amaze- love it X
Amazing!!!!! I’m gonna try that – once I find the perfect “before” dress – might practice on a t-shirt, too!
I think this is the best by far. Really Awesome Dress!!!! Can’t wait to see the next one you do.
You could even wear a white or pink collared shirt underneath and belt it. No one would know it’s the same dress.
Love that you not only made an awesome LBD, but also drank Irish cider and watched ‘The Room’!
Wonderful refashion 🙂 You are such an inspiration!
This is one i think i’m going to have to try… 🙂
This is brilliant! I don’t know how you come up with such simple but great ideas!
This is so cute! Genius!
NO! You can’t quit! I discovered you yesterday, and I think I read every post you have written. You are inspiring, even though I am way heavier and way older than you! 😉
That looks really comfy.
Looking totally hot ma’am!!! Very classy! And classic!
You are so talented and amazing! I think this is my fav too! Love black and the versatility! I went to Goodwill today and bought my refash frocks! Been studying up on sewing and I think with the practice I’ve had I am ready to snip, whirr, and wow! Thanks for the inspiration!
I just love this refashion, you are a creative wonder. It is terribly inspiring to watch you create and have such fun with it, thank you for what you do and for sharing it with the rest of us. You are going have to think long and hard to top this one! Blessings!
This is really inspired thinking! It looks wonderful.
As a couple of commenters mentioned, the same thing could be done to a long-sleeved T-shirt (maybe even as a practice garment). I think you could add to your list “bra straps never show!” because that’s a common problem with sleeveless anything. I also think you’ve done a good job of showing how the right accessories change the same garment – something I’m just starting to understand (I’m mid-fifties and a slow learner :))
I agree! This was the perfect refashion. I love it.
Where dis you get the bag. I LOVE it!!!!!! What’s the brand I NEED to find one!
I can’t remember the brand name. I found it at a thrift store. 🙂 I DO remember that it was made in Spain! 🙂
Thank-you I will have to keep my eye out for one or something. Similar.
I marvel at how you can deconstruct and reconstruct. Your ability reminds me of my best friend who does the same with old necklaces, belts, beaded treasures (she sells her hobby on etsy: My hat’s off to your creativity!
I don’t know how you do it but its perfect!!@
Best ever! I’m inspired beyond words now. Going to a thrift shop tomorrow x
Love it!
Great job!
that is gorgeous. I love the back detail too.
Simple and smart!
That turned out great, I can see why you were thrilled!
Oh, so elegant !!! Great and very useful refashion !!
Looks great!
Hi Girl! Love what you did! But I would like to see one photo of the back… It doesn’t shows it well… I might do that to a dress I got! Congratulations! kisses from Portugal!
P.S.: I’m stanting my own Blog about refashion and sewing! Inspired on your Blog, on Marissa (New dress a day) and Charity Shop Chic! 😀
Whoa! Love, love, love this!
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