Purple Skies Dress
Let me just take a moment to say the weather in Columbia SC is absolutely perfect lately, and you really should just be here. It’s in that lovely perfect warm-but-not-too-warm place that probably won’t last very long.
I had just the thing to wear for the evening!
It’s…a thing.
You’re looking at an early 90′s beach cover-upish thing! Can you guess what my first step was to transform this one?
You probably guessed correctly.
I grabbed a pitcher and a box of black powdered dye. Bit by bit, I folded my new frock into the pitcher, sprinkling the dye on it as I went.
A little here…
…a little more there!
After my dress was totally folded up into the pitcher, I filled it with hot water.
Just fill it up!
I let it sit for about an hour, then rinsed it in my washing machine. Once it was rinsed and dyed, I still had a bit more work to do!
First a chop!
Then some pinnage!
Then some stitchery!
I made sure to leave enough of a gap to thread elastic through its new casing.
I bought it in bulk!
Just thread it through, then stitch that last little bit down!
After throwing on an obi belt, my funkily-dyed dress was ready to meet a good friend for dinner! 🙂
I love how it took on a purple hue! 🙂
Hi Erin!
My meal consisted entirely of cheese.
Whatever. I’m not ashamed!
I must say, I dig my funky summery frock, and can’t wait to wear it to the beach sometime soon! 🙂
I think I’m due for another vacation, right?
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May I just say how very, very glad I am that you’re back? Seeing one of your blog posts in my inbox always makes me smile as I eagerly open it to see what fun thing you’ve done now!
What someone else may have considered a dye-job flop, you totally rocked! (I’m 66 and have been dying to say “you totally rock” to SOMEONE! Lucky you!) That’s a very cute NOW dress, instead of an early 90′s cover-up. Love it!
How cute is this dress! One of my favorite refashion’s ever! Love it!
Love the refash – it went from something I would have thrown in the trash to something I’d wear. But what I really want to know is………what is that mint green and white, frilly, lace, doily thing hanging on your refash rack? LOL
Perfect refashion. The first thing I thought was “she’s going to dye this one” and then you read my mind that I read yours. The final dress is very cute on you.
Very cute! And I love that necklace!
I have to say, after following you for over a year, I finally dyed today. I’m so excited. It was so easy. I did 2 of my daughter’s dresses, and one of mine. They already fit, so there was no sewing. But I now want to dye everything!!!
So creative !
Oh, wow…amazing!
Really loving this one! I love the maxi-ish look, and you make them look so easy!
I second being totally delighted to see a new post in my email from you!
I was intrigued by your dye technique…wondering how it would come out and I love how it looks tye dye-ish, great job! A few months ago I purchased a bottle of tangerine and fuschia RIT dye, there’s a thrifted blah yellow summer blouse in my closet that’s going to be transformed thanks to you! I agree with you, make sure to wear this to the beach, it’s perfect!
Love it! I was guessing that you were going to make a cute top out of it. Your plan was way cuter!
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