Tiki Week Top
When Bourbon announced that it would once again be transforming into a Tiki Bar for one week in the dead of winter, I was thrilled. Mid century Tiki Cocktails are my favorite genre of booze. After a long week, a couple of tropical libations were just what I needed!
I got home from work and chose this from my ReFashion rack:
It is time.
I’ve had this dress for over year, so it was time to do something with it!
Ugh. But I was tired. And I just wanted to meet up with Erin and chat about our weeks.
This meant I needed to make this a minimal-effort refash.
I liked how the oversizedness of this dress made the waistline fall on my hips in a sort of 20’s style. I also loved those slightly poufy sleeves and the green print. The only thing that was holding this dress back for me was the fact that it was a dress.
It’s tunic time!
First, I chopped.
Since this fabric is of the fraying variety, I ran that bottom edge through my serger.
This overlocked the raw edge with white thread. I thought it looked pretty cool, and now it’s not going to fray!
I was ready to tiki!
At The Oasis…
Oh yeah. This is real classy.
I can explain.
The reason I’m taking a mirror selfie in what is very obviously the bathroom is that the bar was so crowded that there was no room to get a full-length shot any other way. Please don’t judge me.
A fashion blogger’s gotta do what a fashion blogger’s gotta do!
Some of you will remember my sweet cardigan from an earlier Thrift Score Thursday. 🙂 I bought that lovely vintage beaded necklace from my local famers’ market, the jeggings from the $1 a pound Goodwill, and the boots from Revente’s Second Chances (a local charity shop).
Here’s a closer look at that bottom hem.
The cocktails were delicious!
The Painkiller
The Banana Hammock *snicker*
It was also great getting to catch up with one of my best buds!
Hai Erin! It’s you!
Afterwards, I met up with my fella, where he was kind enough to snap a couple of pics that don’t have a toilet in the background. 😉
Nary a toilet to be seen!
I hope you’re all having a fabulous weekend as well!
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Hi Jillian,
Just wanted to say a big Thank You! for starting your refashion daily blogging again. I’m sure it’s tiring after a long work week, but just know lots of us enjoy reading your blog and getting great ideas. I love thrift stores and buy most of my clothes there, but get stumped when trying to refashion my own. Your ingenuity provides lots of great ideas.
Hope you have a great weekend with lots more cocktails!!
I agree 100%!!
Does Erin get recognized in public too? She’s such a regular on your blog! 🙂
Love it! So simple, yet so great! And loved the sweater you had with it!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what you fashion! If only I could sew!
If you really are interested, sewing is a dying art you can easily pick up. There are many online tutorials (many for free, even, but some know how to see better than others), plus books and videos in libraries, and even local classes to teach you. You can also get a machine for cheap on Craigslist or free on freecycle.
I hope you take the plunge! But if it’s not in your cards, so be it. No reason to beat yourself up. And there are no-sew refashions. But if you want to learn, by all means, DO!
Love your refashion! Love reading your blog every day!
I love tunics, and that one is so cute! I wish I had your vision!
I am so happy you are back blogging on a regular basis! your outfits are incredible, thank you !!
Love it and the color looks great on you!
It occurred to me that you might spend more money on cocktails than the clothes you wear! No judging.
Just wondering if you’ve ever had a problem with rolling hems after you’ve washed the item?
Oh I feel inspired today and it is half-off at my local thrift store.
So cute – changing the length really changed the whole look.
My favorite one yet!
Anne: Of course another great redo love the color, reminds me of the sea and fresh air.
Oh that turned out SO cute… and pockets! Hmm this even seems like something I could sew, and I have minimal sewing skills!
SWEEEEET. Love it!
You must have harsh tutu s if they judge cuz you took the selfie in the bathroom. That is a myopic view for the and they miss the point: your sweet refashion
Can I edit that last comment? Harsh critics, not tutus.
This is the best blog. I tweeted about it earlier this week. Please keep up the amazing work. You are an inspiration!
Another winner! Well done.
fantastica idea saludos desde colombia
I love love love your blog! After a crazy day there is nothing I enjoy more than finding a quiet corner at home (trust me when I tell you this is a feat in itself) and reading about your latest discovery. Thanks for putting a smile on my face:)
Your poses are as cute as your remakes! Carry on Fashionesta!
So cute
I am a second hand refashioned from way back, (hippy days) and I am really enjoying your quick, fun, young blog. Thank you for sharing your great creative attitude. I look forward to seeing what you do in your next blog.
The necklaces work well. I love the pop of the white flowers, emphasized by your white stitching. Nice touches. You’re a stylist AND a refashionista!
I love the way you pulled it all together. The tunic looks especially cool with the cardigan. Loving the daily blogs. Such inspiration!
The Banana Hammock is served with peanuts! HA! I get what they did there.
This post was so funny! The top turned out cute too.
Enjoyed the post… the toilet made me smile… You looked great in the tunic and you’ve no idea how glad I am to see Refashionista emails in my inbox again… I thrift, often, for make over items, sewing supplies, craft supplies and …. stuff…. love ‘stuff’. Reduce reuse recycle!!! : )
You look super! Love the green and the print and it looks great with the jacket and the beads!
“nary a toilet in sight” Lol! 🙂
Loved the whole ensemble! The tunic looks as if it is made that way, not like a refashion. Great job.
Well done for putting so much creative energy into your blog this month!!! You definitely deserve some fancy shmancy cocktails!!! Hope you had a fantastic time xxx
One of my favorites that you have done! Your whole outfit really comes together. You should wear a lot of that color- very flattering on you.
You look great in that color!! I love everything you do. Reading your blog is a “happy time” for me in my overwhelmingly busy life. Can’t sew a lick but I can dream!
Ha ha! While scrolling through your post, when I saw the toilet, I thought, “well there is a first!” Your blog posts are always like a ray of sunshine, so fresh and light. Love all you do.
Love this ! I have been looking for about 4 hours at our local thrift stores to recreate this for myself!
Unfortunately, I only found one top. At .25 sweet! I’m a noob sewer,this top was made for a 1x, any advice on how to bring the boob line above my belly button? It is a cute top and I couldn’t leave it behind.
Love this! I have been wanting some tunics for my leggings, I will definitely have to keep my eye out for some dresses to rework.
Hi Gillian,
Thank you for your regular posts – they brighten my day!
I just thought I’d share a tip from my refashing – I don’t have your luscious legs, so what I would do with this little number is cut the left over fabric in half and join/ then ruffle and add to the skirt.
Don’t get me wrong – what you did looks great on you!!! And thanks for the posts 🙂
Whoops – sorry about the ‘G’ in Jillian….:(
Very cute! I actually really like the white thread contrast on the hem! Great quickie refash!
Gillian, this is just so cute. I just want you to know that your daily blogging is really inspiring me. I have just come back from the Netherlands and am really proud of the fact that I resisted the temptation to buy anything from Primark. The price of clothes in the expensive shops was horrific and so it’s back to the flea market for me and I hope I can produce some refashions that are even half as good as yours.
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