From Flared to Skinny: An Easy-Peasy Jeans ReFashion
I simply could not believe my luck when I found these jeans in exactly my size at the $1-a-pound Goodwill Clearance Center!
Not too shabs…buuuut…
There was just one problem, I don’t want a pair of flared jeans, whereas I really could use a pair of skinny jeans. The one pair I had was on its last legs (har har), and was never made of a good quality denim to begin with.
This pair I scored for about $1, however was made of a nice, thick denim with exactly the wash I had been wanting.
It didn’t take me very long before I figured out what I needed to do here.
I turned the flares inside out, then laid my skinny jeans over them, like so:
See where I’m going with this?
Next, I pinned along the edge of the skinny jeans.
So easy!
Then, I stitched the pinned line down.
Denim is fairly fray-cray, so I serged the edge down as well. If you don’t have a serger, a zigzag stitch and some fray-check will work just fine.
Because I’m on the short side, I also needed to give my sweet new jeans two sweet new hems. To do this, I pinned them where I wanted them to fall, and then pressed the pinned part under.
Like this!
Then, I folded the top bit under and pinned it, like this:
After following this same step with the other leg, under the needle they went!
Last step!
I pressed the new hems, as well as my new side seams.
And now I have a pair of jeans that fits better than any I’ve ever had!
I’m in love!
I paired them with a fabulous drapey $1 thrifted tee I scored that week and a vintage necklace I’ve had forever.
And check out the fabulous back pockets!
Aren’t they the best?
My new jeans got tons of compliments at a pie-themed dinner party with some of my favorites. 🙂
David pontificates. I am highly amused.
My contribution for the evening: a tomato pie!
Coming this fall to NBC!
Jeans are pricey (unless you score them for $1 a pound!), so why not look at your current stash and see if you have any old flares you don’t wear anymore that could use an upcycle, rather than going out and buying a new pair?
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Skinny jeans yahoo nice job.
I’m so glad to see this post. I have a pair of jeans that I love but I lost some weight and hate to get rid of them. I think I’m going to try and alter them instead. Thanks for the inspiration.
Those look fantastic on you – meeeow! I should stop bypassing flare jeans at the thrift store (they’re often cheaper!). I would just add that you’d want to make sure the skinnies you use to size them were of a similar stretch. I’d hate to end up with calf tubes I couldn’t get my feet through!
I live in Aiken, SC… Where do you score clothing for a dollar a pound? Is it in Columbia? I see a road trip in my future
There’s a Goodwill Clearance center on Meeting Street in West Columbia! Come visit!
This is on my to do list!
You look like a million bucks!
Well done – they look great!
They look great! Watch the grain though. Nothing worse than a pair of jeans that twist around your calf as you walk.
Tres cute!
My friend’s mom did the same thing for me a long time ago when I still lived in Russia!
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