Thrift Score Thursday! | ReFashionista

Thrift Score Thursday!

Hey guys!  Welcome to the SECOND ever Thrift Score Thursday, where I get to show you my best find of the week!  🙂

This week’s score comes from The Giving Tree in Lexington, SC!  Check out this sweet Kimono I bought for a mere $5!  🙂

In the Red!

I fell so hard for it, that I decided to wear it as a jacket!  Can you tell I have a thing for Kimono Jackets yet?  😉

They’re just so glam! 🙂

I wish the paparazzi would just leave me alone!  😉



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17 Responses to Thrift Score Thursday!

Cute! I just wish pictures were a little better quality 🙂

Thank you! Yep. I’m definitely not a photographer. My fella is, and when he’s in town, my pics look sooooo much better. I’m still using my battered and abused old Nikon Coolpix (very point-and-shoot). I dream of an upgrade…*sigh*

I hear you! I have to bug my husband to take pics for me! And they are taken with an iPhone! I really need a new camera 🙂
oh life

Oh I am definitely inspired to go thrift ing this weekend! I hope I score something as cute as that Kimono!

Get out there! I’m sure there’s a kimono out there just waiting for ya!

You are too damn Chic, girl.

Thanks! But you should see me on my lazy days…I look muuuuch more like my “before” pics than my “after” pics! 😉

I think one of the keys to good thrifting is knowing what looks good on you. And you do!

Thank ya, Jenny! 🙂

Hey girl, I see wine in almost every entry these days. Kinda concerned for you…or maybe just jealous since I live in a dry country, not sure which!!!

Haha! I do love my wine, but don’t worry! I’m careful to never (or at least rarely) over imbibe! 😉

Love the ‘jacket’ and necklaces. You’ve inspired my thrifting. Now I look for cool patterns instead of things that are off the rack wearable. Keep up the creativity!

Ooh, that looks really lovely! And the whole outfit is SMASHING on you – loving the necklaces too!

Thank you! Tee hee! The “necklaces” are actually just one necklace…a dollar thrift store find from ages ago! 🙂

I did it! I finally did it. I got a top I’ve had for twenty years and always loved and made a skirt out of it! I’m so pleased! Item and I can keep the skirt/top forever!!!!!!!

YAY!!!!! Good for you!!! Send me a pic???? 🙂

I’ve emailed a couple of pics. Starring eyed mad looking!

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