Basket Case | ReFashionista

Basket Case

This dress was quite a frumpy frock when I bought it for $1.

Feeling a bit stifled

However, I loooooved the baskety/laticey print!  I’d never seen anything quite like it.

a tisket…a tasket!

First off, a few things had to be removed.


I was going sleeveless today.  Temps were back to a balmy 60 degrees.  Le Joy!  I couldn’t just leave those arm holes with jagged edges, so I got to pinning.

Pinning down that arm hole!

I also wasn’t digging that neckline as-is, so I pinned it down to make a nice, throat-pleasing pleasing V.

Prepped and ready to go under the needle!

I ran all my raw edges through my machine.

Sewing that V

Once all my raw edges were sewn down, I still wasn’t thrilled about the length.

byeeee frumpy length!

I hemmed the new hem, pressed all my seams, and was ready to head out into the beautiful, sunny day!

Ello there!

Frolicking out of the brush like a wee pixie!…or not.

Oh yes…and the winner of the Coco Before Chanel DVD Giveaway was (drum roll please!) Sherry!  Enjoy!  I hope it inspires you as much as it has me!  🙂

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One Response to Basket Case

Yay pixies!

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