Day 105: Cobaltic Avenue Dress | ReFashionista

Day 105: Cobaltic Avenue Dress

I get so giddy when I find a piece as unusual as this one.  It gets my heart all aflutter!  When I saw it on the rack at my favorite 1$ thrift store, I thought it was just a long dress…but behold!


That’s no dress, my friends!  That’s one groovy jumpsuit from the days of disco.  Whether you’re a mother, or whether you’re a lover…I’m sure you agree it needs a major overhaul!  🙂

First, I cut along the inseam of the pants legs, all the way up through the crotch.  Usually, I would use a seam ripper for this, but since there really wasn’t much of a seam to speak of, it didn’t make a difference.

Cutting along the inseam

You’ll want to make sure you undo the crotch part, otherwise you’ll end up with a weird bunchy-crotched skirt.  🙂 

I put the jumpsuit on my dress form inside-out, and pinned a straight line down the front and the back.


Then, I ran each side through my machine.  🙂

It’s really shaping up!

 So now I have a really long dress.  I cut off the excess material from where I converted the pants to a skirt, and then took off some of that length.


I rolled up the sleeves (because I think I might end up liking them as-is down the road), and headed off to Karaoke night!  🙂

Oooh la la!

 I hope you like this refashion, but more importantly, do you like my new ‘do?  I’m trying to experiment with different ways of styling it as I grow it out.  This is my first time curling it.  Is it working?  Should I just keep it straight?  Should I just shave it all off again?  I really have no idea what to do with my hair…ever.  🙂

To complete my outfit, I donned my oh-so-chic PBR can earrings.  😉


Happy Birthday to Wren! 🙂

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18 Responses to Day 105: Cobaltic Avenue Dress

I like the hair Jillian! I’m ALL about curling and this looks good. I’d even go further with more curls and then pouf it out and style in a 50ish manner. Great work, keep it up!

Thanks! I really never have a clue what to do with my hair, especially now that I’m growing it out!

Ha, that original piece is pretty special! Rolled up sleeves is a great look and I think your curls are great!

Isn’t it funny? I almost saved it to wear as a costume some time down the line. Thanks for the hair feedback! 🙂

i love your hair like this!

Thanks! 🙂

The hair is great! Of course you always look good. Hey! For fun how about 30′s style finger waves?

Thanks for your kind words. 🙂 I’ll have to look up how to do finger waves…I hope they take in my stubborn hair.

Love the outfit. Very clever. When I first saw it was couldn’t imagine what you would do with it. What I like about your creations is that you do it with a minimum of sewing and all sewing is in a straight line. Great going! Love the hairstyle. With the length you have more options on how to style. I’d keep it for a while.

Thank you! Yep! I try to keep it as efficient as possible. 🙂 Thanks for the hair feedback. I never really know what I’m doing with it and have rocked some pretty sad haircuts in the past. 🙂 So feedback is always appreciated!

I think i love what you do.. I have done a bit of reworking of old clothes into new clothes too!.. I will pop in again.. c

Thanks you. Isn’t refashioning fun?

Awesome as always…but it seems a little bulky still on the top half. Maybe shorter sleeves? Love the hair too!

Thanks! 🙂 I was going to shorten the sleeves, but I kind of like them as-is (in the “before pic”. In colder weather, I might want them at their original length. I’m still not sure though. 🙂

Love the hair curly!

Your hair looks awesome in this pic!!!

I needed a good laugh tonight and the first picture of the jumpsuit in all its 70s-ish glory gave it to me. What a cute dress it made, though!

Always glad to be of service! 🙂

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