Walk on the Wilde Side Dress | ReFashionista

Walk on the Wilde Side Dress

I find the most awesome of prints in the most awkward of garments!  🙂

This is how I dance/ why I never dance in public. :/

Take this weird fake wrap-around number with all sorts of gorgeous technicolor foliage!

This frock really didn’t need much work to be wearable.  First, I had to deal with these guys, who were not only stitched in, but pinned in as well!

Someone did NOT want these pads going anywhere!

Then, I went after some of the length.  I decided to go for an uneven bottom hem…sort of a sarong-ish look.  My roomie’s cat seemed to approve of this idea.

Mr. Spock tries to help

I couldn’t just leave that raw edge hanging out, so I pinned a new hem.

Using my sewing gauge to keep it even!

I ran my new hem through my machine…


…and now my dress is ready for a whimsically witty night of theatre!  🙂

The blue tights make it just right! 🙂

As most of you know, I’m a theatre critic for Jasper Magazine.  Tonight, my assignment was to watch and review Theatre South Carolina‘s production of Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest.

A fun & funky 60′s reboot!

“I’ve now realized for the first time in my life the vital Importance of Being Earnest.”

Of course, I didn’t go alone.  🙂

Happy Theatregoers! 🙂

You can read my review of this Wilde (hehe) show right here.  🙂



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5 Responses to Walk on the Wilde Side Dress

I would have loved to have seen you redesign the neckline to be more open. Great print and love the blue tights!

Yay! I’ve missed you. Thanks for redesigning another scary into a fab piece.

Gorgeou, but I wanted to see you with a bag so that I could say “A Handbag”! Ok, I said it anyway 😉

so cute & I love the blue tights!

In all your dyeing efforts have you ever attempted to die a cable knit sweater?
If so, any pointers?

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