Day 90: Case Closed!
Lots of you guys have asked what I plan on doing with all these shoulder pads I’m accumulating. As some of you know, most of them are going to end up as toys for local shelter kitties (you can see the prototype here).
But guess what? I came up with another idea of what I can do with some of those pads! 🙂
If you’ve been reading this blog of mine for a while, you probably already know I have a thing for huge sunglasses. 🙂
Unfortunately, I don’t always take the best care of my sweet specs. :/ They frequently get tossed into my bag or my glove compartment. This of course leads to them getting all scratched up and smudgy.
I don’t care if I’ve spent $5.00 or $50 on my sunglasses. I need to take better care of them. 🙂 The solution is obvious. I need to put them in a flippin’ case already. 🙂
I grabbed a couple of massive pads from Day 78.
I decided I wanted my sunglasses case to have a funky quilted look to it (sort of like Vera Bradley on a bender), so I took each pad and randomly sewed curvy lines. 🙂
After each pad was sufficiently quilted, I pinned the two pads together to make a sleeve.
Then, I sewed the two pads together, and cut off the round part of the pads. I made sure to leave an opening on one end to slip my shades into.
I turned the whole thing inside-out to hide the raw and serged edges.
All that was left to do was slip my shades into their cozy new abode! 🙂
Do you guys have any ideas for shoulder pad refashions you think I should try? Lemme know! 🙂
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6 Responses to Day 90: Case Closed!
Back way back, when Aleene the famous crafter (Tacky Glue) had a show with her daughters they made Angel ornaments out of shoulder pads. That would be great for this time of year to make and maybe donate for charity fund raisers. I know I have the instructions around here somewhere but I bet you can find the instructions online, maybe with Fave Crafts and/or Tiffany Windsor? Heck! Your so smart you can come up with it. What’s cool is the fabric can evoke creating little personalities, Hawaiian, Diva, Country Girl, etc. This could be fun! Now I have to dig out my stash of shoulders pads!
Oh! Your glass case idea is great too! I will make some. 🙂
That was very creative! Esp. since you usually cut out the shoulder pads of most of the dresses you reinvent. You must have a ton of shoulder pads left over lol
Great idea – I have so many glasses and horrible big, heavy cases. I do admit to a secret liking for shoulder pads as I have horribly sloping shoulders…oh for a return to the 80s! Well…maybe not 🙂
Nifty idea. I remember Aleene”s show (as Terri mentioned above) and I’ve a vague recollection of the angel ornaments. I believe they were trimmed with lace. Cool trip down memory lane. Great going on your eye glass covers.
Could you sew two together on the rounded edge, leaving the flat edge open to make an egg cosy?
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