Tag Archives: Reader ReFash
Ruth’s Reader ReFash!
Happy Sunday everyone! Your weekend is almost over. :/ Have you savored it? Have you really sucked all the marrow out of it? Are you truly enjoying it as much as you could be? I think Ruth probably is. You … Continue reading
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Danielle’s Reader ReFash!
This week’s Reader ReFash comes from Danielle! I found this skirt that used to belong to my mother, she passed away last summer, and I am just now able to go through her clothes. This skirt brought back some memories, but … Continue reading
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Caeley’s Reader ReFash!
One of my deepest regrets was not learning how to sew when I was younger. When I think of all the awesome creations I could have made, the money I could have saved, and the fun I could have had, … Continue reading
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