Day 272: Never a Bride Dress | ReFashionista

Day 272: Never a Bride Dress

Whew!  Things are getting crazy/exciting with Plan 9 From Outer Space!  We’ve passed the point where everyone is mad at each other (this happens with every show), and the show has really come together!   🙂   I can honestly say I’m really proud of this production, and everyone’s extremely hard work!  🙂

Anywho…Despite working on costumes every day, I still have to clothe myself too!

A Wardrobe Malfunction just waiting to happen!

This is an old bridesmaid dress that a friend passed on to me.  It’s a pretty color, and the cut is actually really cute.  🙂  But, there are still a couple of problems.  First off, it looks like a bridesmaid dress.  Which isn’t really appropriate outside of a wedding!  Next (and this is a big one), I don’t have the boobage to hold the top of this dress up!  :/

Not to worry!  This is going to be a two birds one stone refashion!

I got to thinking.  What do bridesmaids dresses not have?  Answering this question would help me make this dress work for everyday wear.  🙂  My answer came to me right away.  Prints.  Most bridesmaid dresses are just solid colors.  But how do I add a print to this frock?  And what about the whole covering my chest thing?

I dug through my scrap drawer (which was under a pile of boxes in the garage) and got to cutting…

Time for a pretty print!!!

Then I got to sewing…


Do you see where I’m going here?

I added a fun brooch, and now my I’m ready to rock out with my frock out!  😉

HALT(er)! Who goes there???

Just chillin’ with Madame Stage Manager! 🙂


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5 Responses to Day 272: Never a Bride Dress

GREAT SOLUTION! Who knew? Such a simple change and it doesn’t look like a bride’s maid dress any more! You’re good!

clever girl!

cute addition to the dress! I was thinking you were gonna’ applique your print on it somehow. I was thinking a letter J on the skirt like the L for Laverne from Laverne and Shirley. lol I like the straps though!

I’m still not loving it. Appliqués would help but working it into 2 pieces and wearing them with separate outfits would help more.

i think this would have been a great time for a sash as well to break up some of the blue on the front of the dress. and maybe it should have been shortened some but a sash in the print would have helped take it from bridesmaid to night on the town

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