Happy St. Pat’s Vol. 2!
I hate ruffly tshirts. There! I said it! So, when I found this top for $1, I had no intention of leaving it as-is!
I celebrated St. Patrick’s Day on Saturday, but technically it fell on a Sunday. I couldn’t very well not celebrate on the correct day as well, now could I? I liked the color of this top, but those ruffles had to go!
I used the fabric from the ruffles to make the halter straps for my previous refashion. 🙂
I took my new top in about 1″ on each side…
…but thought it could still use a little something. I reached for a shoulder pad from the day before.
Hmmmnnn…what can I do with you?
I cut it open and ripped out the foam.
I stitched down the raw edge at the top, pinned it to my new tank, and stitched it down.
Do you see where I’m going here?
It’s a POCKET!!! 😀
And just like that, my new top was ready for a day of excessive merriment in Charleston, SC!
Just Chillin’ at the Battery!
Hi Dan!
That’s a clear Bloody Mary, Folks!
Accessories are very important!
Mmmmmm! Duck Pot Pie! 🙂
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30 Responses to Happy St. Pat’s Vol. 2!
I like the before and after pictures side by side!!
Me too!
I’m glad you guys like ‘em! Lots of people have asked for them, and I think they’re REALLY helpful for Pinterest users too! 🙂
What a good idea for a pocket! I can’t believe you are so lucky to get to wear no sleeves right now while I am up here in Niagara wearing a winter jacket and many layers. 🙁
What an adorable name you have!
Ugh, ruffly t-shirts are the worst. They just look so sad, somehow, and the ruffles are never flattering or well drafted. Much better
What happened to your lovely gent, no pics lately? :/. Hope all is well x
Hi there. Love love love your refashions, and I have learned a ton from you!! Thank you so much for that!
Question-I now love dyeing as part of my own refashions. However, what to do with the (often) white thread that doesn’t take on the color? I have even resorted to coloring the visible threads with a sharpie!?! I am not usually a fan of the contrastie (I know that isn’t really a word :-/) thread that results. Is there a solution?
Love, Rachel
Sent from my iPhone
I actually like the contrast, so I always leave it. The sharpie idea is a good one though, and they DO make loads of different colored ones (I used to work at Staples, so I’m kind of an expert). 🙂
What were you eating? That looks good!
That shirt was ALMOST cute as-is, but as per usual you made it cuter 😉
Although I check out your blog every single day, I never dared to comment. And now it’s not even a comment solely dedicated to your refashion (lovely as always, by the way). BUT THESE SHOES!!!!! *woaaaah* I’m deeeeeeeply in love with them, love at first sight!
Get you some! http://www.toms.com/womens/essien-women-s-classics
They’re TOMS and they’re the comfiest shoes I’ve ever owned in my life! 🙂 Plus, when you buy a pair from them, they give a pair of shoes to a kid in need! 🙂
Love the re-fash, but what the heck is a clear Bloody Mary? Straight Vodka? Lol! Btw do you have any plus size friends that maybe you could do a re- fash for?
The clear bloody mary is CRAZY. It tastes just like a regular bloody mary, but all the color is filtered out. I’m not making this up! It’s insane!
What is the dish in the picture titled Nom?
I was thinking about this a few days ago. As much as I love this blog, let’s be real, the girl could look good in a burlap sack.. It is also a lot easier for her to find clothes that are bigger because she is so small.. I thought about starting a blog like hers for size 12 and up…
Please do!
That might be the push I needed.. I will keep you informed…
Oh, yes! yes! Please do!!!
I like ruffly shirts, but I wasn’t too fond of the ruffly shirt you had, so I agree it needed a refash’. I love the pocket you added from the shoulder pad. What a great idea! 🙂
I was going to ask about the Bloody too! I was a little afraid I was missing a joke about the glass being empty or something and I just couldn’t see it on my phone! 🙂 So strange!
You could do a refashioned and a restaurant/ pub review and a local “What’s happening” in my town blot all in one. Just get the perks that come with the exposure!!!!!
Can’t say that I agree with you about the ruffles (I absolutely love ruffles!) but the shirt is too cute, especially on you! 🙂
Okay, here I must admit my deep, abiding love for ruffles. And bows; I love bows. That shirt is a gorgeous shade of green. Ingenious use of a shoulder pad, and it turned out super cute!
I like the top minus the pocket.
You have inspired me to do something I have wanted to do for years, which is buy a swing machine and learn how to sew!! Thank you so much! I can’t wait till I get good enough to try out some refashions!!!
yes to the side by side pics of the before and after!
I just started reading your blog, went through the whole thing in the last three days. Its amazing. I’ve only just started learning to sew things. So far Im only good at fleece hats though. I like what you do with a lot of the clothing you refashion, but personally could never wear any of it 🙁 I am not shaped right at all. So I’ve been trying to figure out how to fix things up to fit me better since I am an avid goodwill shopper! Anyways, love your blog and cant wait to read more!
LOL I just love how disappointed you look in the before pictures. It is too too hilarious. Also, I’ve seen a lot of photos of you and Dan lately…hrmmmm. 😉
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