A Kylie Jenner-esque Denim Dress
When fellow Columbia blogger, Haley Sprankle created a Kylie Jenner-esque denim dress ensemble with a thrifted men’s denim shirt and challenged others to do the same, I decided to hop on board.
Click here to check out Haley’s post.
I couldn’t care less about Kylie Jenner and her ilk if I tried, but even I had to admit this was a really cool look, and I wanted a comfy denim dress of my very own.
I also haven’t sewn a frock in a while and was craving something fun and new. 🙂
I ran to the thrift store and found this large men’s shirt for $1. I was kind of hoping I could do what Haley did, and just wear it as-is. Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be.
More Walk of Shame than Kylie Jenner…:/
Luckily, I had another denim shirt a coworker’s grandmother passed along to me that I had worn a few times before finding another I liked the fit of slightly better. Might as well get as much use out of it as possible, right?
You’ve been well-loved, little shirt.
I sliced the small shirt like so:
Then, I serged off that new raw edge.
Don’t let the fray get in your way!
I removed the buttons from the second shirt.
Then, I measured to make sure I was placing the shorn shirttail at the very center of the larger shirt, and pinned it in place.
You’ll be a new frock in no time!
I carefully stitched it down to the larger shirt, sewing exactly along the original hem with the same color of thread.
This left a bit of excess fabric on the inside. No worries, I just serged it again, this time right along the seam.
I tried on my new dress-to-be, and wasn’t too thrilled. It was still super duper baggy. I wanted it to be roomy like my inspiration piece, so I just took it in a smidge.
Like this.
Followed by this.
Once I cut off the extra fabric, I ended up with this:
Not bad for $1!
My new dress was light and flowy, two things I desperately needed to survive a 100 degree day!
Chilled rosé spritzers help too!
My new dress braved the heat to meet up with some of my favorite people for sushi at Inakaya!
Our ship has come in!
It’s so magical!
Oh hai!
Methinks Kylie would approve!
Let’s do a little fashion math, shall we?
Am I close?
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Sorry kiddo, the asymmetry of the added denim doesn’t do it for me, I enjoy your creativity & especially up cycling talents. First time not so much.
I so object to your use of the word “ilk” that I am unsubscribing.
Wow. That’s a first.
Heck, I thought “ilk” was a kindness! 😉 While I didn’t love the asymmetricalness of the dress, I loved the idea, and thought it was really cute on you! I visit the Columbia/Chapin area fairly often; where are some higher end/good quality resale or thrift stores to try?
I’m offended by your use of the word ‘wow’.
Not sure why that Lady did not care for the word or maybe in the context given but am on board with you….I don’t care for that Kardashian clan. They have over-inflated egos.
Loved that word!
I love that word too. I don’t think I ever heard of someone offended by it. Takes all kinds to make the world 🙂
Love that word!
huh? what’s wrong with the word ilk? it means same type or sort and has Scottish origins? how is that offensive?
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
ilk,ilk,ilk… 🙂
Shoot, I wanted to be the one to say that! Lol. 🙂
Roberta objects to the word ‘ilk’? Does she even know what it means? “a type of people or things similar to those already referred to. ORIGIN Old English ilca ‘same,’ of Germanic origin; related to alike” (American Heritage Dictionary). Good thing you have grammarians as subscribers!
BTW, Kylie Jenner is no fashion icon. YOU do your own stuff better!
lol really
I like it
Being that it’s a simple word of no negative connotation, I assume that you just don’t know what it means.
a type of people or things similar to those already referred to: “the veiled suggestions that reporters of his ilk seem to be so good at”
of the place or estate of the same name: “Sir Iain Moncreiffe of that Ilk”
Word Origin
Old English ilca ‘same,’ of Germanic origin; related to alike.
Sorry but for the first time that appears to me to be a fail
I liked what you did with this…even if you hadn’t added the extra bit on the bottom…it would have been a great tunic look, which is something I would use a lot! Glad to see your posts again!
I think its more that the Kylie dress was ugly and ill fitting to begin with. Not my cup of tea
Although you have the gams to pull it off, I’m personally not a fan of such a short hem. That being said, I think your refashion and styling is *way* more interesting and cool (with maybe a hint of Japanese flair) than the original you and Haley were emulating…
I so love your creativity and how you can find a gem in any clothing item. Great use of the word ilk! Keep refashioning because I learn so much and look at clothing so differently now!
um…no. Don’t like it.
Not a big fan of the kylie denim dress. I think the look is just too frumpy. I do love all your refashions though, you are very talented. And I am also a fan of the word “ilk” 😉
I normally think your stuff is great but not this time.
I actually like yours much better than the original inspiration. I like the asymmetry and the fit.
Dont get your feelings hurt. I normally love your refashion but really don’t care for this one. Too short and just doesnt meet your normal more professional looking standard. I’m also not a fan of the Kardashians and their ILK!
Moi, je n’aime pas trop le look de KJ (en fait, je n’aime pas du tout KJ et sa clique 😉 ), mais je trouve que ton interprétation est très sympa et beaucoup plus intéressante que la tunique de KJ. Bravo!
I would have given you 3 stars had you added the ugly black gloves. Keep up the redesigning, just leave this look out.
Oh Dear….I think I would have liked it better if you had cut the darker one in half, put the lighter bit you cut off the 1st shirt in the middle and then added the darker back onto the bottom. It just looks a bit too piecemeal and unfinished for my taste. But as long as you are happy with it- who cares what we think!!! You’re the Refashionista- and I’ll never UNsubscriibe from you!!! Hugs from one South Carolina Girl(living in Manchester,England) to another South Carolina Girl!!!
Not my favorite refashion but you still look fantastic
Happy to see a new post!
I love you to death and admire so much of what you have done, and how much you have learned. You have inspired me to start my own sewing business as a matter of fact BUT this one really didn’t do it for me. JS. Love you, but I can’t stand any of the Jenners and also the difficulty level on this was way low. I mean, how hard is it to make a denim box? That’s ok, still following, still love you, still interested!
What she said. Oh, and: ILK!!!
Going with the masses on this one. They can’t All be a success. What would happen if you stopped branching out? Always appreciate your efforts. What is “ilk” anyway??
Not a fan of the Kar-Trashions. I think that K.J. didn’t want to get dressed up that day to go out on an errand and threw on that baggy old shirt.
But, I like your version, much more feminine and attractive to step out in. However, I think it would be better with the lighter denim coming together in the middle of the front for a more completed look and a little longer. Add a little black belt, it would be so cute with it. You should play up that tiny waist. For fun I would use the lighter denim to add two generous pockets to make a perfect work dress.
Love your stuff Jillian.
Not liking this either. That doesn’t mean a hoot tho. As the above said…..if you like it that is what counts. I don’t know what “ilk” is either. To unsubscribe because of a silly word is,well, silly ! Keep up the creative ideas.
I’m really more intrigued by the jeans you’re wearing in the pre-sewing photos. They’re super cute!
Don’t give up using panels this way. “Flirty bits” sewn at the hem are an interesting refashioning tool. A row of lacy or other translucent panels meeting around the circumference might work. The super-short reveal would just be where the panels meet.
She must be part of the “ilk” 😉 lol Love all your stuff! Keep it coming! We need MORE!!!! ….. I think this was good without the extra bit at the bottom too tho. And also LOVE the new place :))))
Honey, don’t pay any attention to people that criticize your choice of words. You do a superb job with your blog. And ilk to her!!
Anne: I do like this look and if you wear leggins it would look even more fabulous, yours fits Jenner’s looks like a last minute thought to just throw something on and get out of the house, sadly people think she is a fashion icon, not in my book.
I am also not a fan. I think using the top of the small shirt as the yoke of new dress. I just hate the tail. You can’t win them all.
Umm.no. Totally the worst refashion.
Haha, I am laughing over the offensive word, ilk. The dress showed the led like the Jenner original but was still uniquely yours.
I like it, but I guess I don’t understand the way it’s put together. Do the sleeves collar etc are the old top you already had? I do enjoy your blogs
Well, you tried. This is the only time haven’t liked your creations, at least on YOU. Take the light denim off that shirt, and you will have a great denim shirt again. I looked at this a dozen times. I can’t see ANY way you could combine them. However, save the tail of the light blue. You will someday need to make pockets out of it for a kickass skirt. Doesn’t it make you feel better now that you know we will tell you if we don’t like something?…because we have liked your creativity 99% of the time. And, we definitely read your posts and love to see what you come up with. You are a light in my otherwise boring day. Thank you.
Hmmm… Not so much. Sorry.
Even though I can barely sew on a button, I LOVE your blog! I’m always happy when I see a new email from you
Nice to see you back. This was not my favorite either. You have done so many lovely re-makes, this was not one of them. The revised shirt without the lighter blue flaps would probably make a nice tunic top. Look forward to your next creation. Hang in there.
“Ilk” is one of my favorite words. Please use it as often as possible. Also, you look adorable no matter what you wear.
I actually love this one! You’re rocking it too.
I think you look great in it. It helps that you have great legs. Wouldn’t look so good on my 50+ year old body.
Very avant garde – kudos for taking this in a different direction from the inspiration outfit!!
Gosh there isn’t alot of love for this one. But literally the only thing I would personally change about it is the main shirt being an inch or so longer in the front. It’s different and cute and if you are comfortable with that length then good for you! I like it…even if I don’t like Jenner…or her ilk 😉
So sorry… not a fan of this transformation. I blame Kylie though, nothing good ever comes from the Kardouchians. 😉
Not a fan of the look – I think it would look better with a belt. Love your blog and what you do though! Truly look forward to reading and checking out what you transform items into…wish I were as talented!
Nope. Gotta give this one a thumbs down.
Jillian you need to know that when others criticize you they are jealous of your creative out put. They are wanna be artists. It’s so petty to be critical. I graduated from
Parsons so trust me on this one. Your energy and optimism helps me daily mainly cause
I sew and knit my own clothes from existing garments it’s cheaper and velvets silk cashmere leather can be had without shelling over an artists income.
I love everything about you and see myself in you. Please forget the audacity of others.
My first reaction was… “Did she really wear that out in public?” I’m going to have to agree. As much as I love what you do, this one is a fail.
Ilk! Had to look that one up, I’ll admit. I might start using it myaelf
Great to see you back!
At first glance I wasn’t so sure, because it’s a different silhouette than I’m used to seeing. Now that I look at it again, I love it. This style is a welcomed direction on your blog for me. You took a trendy look made known by a very famous/infamous person in the media and made it your own. I grew up in northeastern Alabama, so I know how hot the South gets. I live in Malta now, still hot and humid, but at least I can dip into the Mediterranean sea to cool off. I would def wear something like this in the hot weather to cover my shoulders and show off my legs without having to wear shorts (but add a cool, vintage patch over the pocket!).
Have you seen the denim smocks at (http://www.statethelabel.com/collections/smocks) at State, based out of Georgia (the US state)? For a moment I thought you were going to go into this direction. These are also a pretty great way to restyle a large man shirt.
C’est toujours un plaisir de vous revoir. Ce qui m’intéresse c’est votre façon de travailler.
I no longer feel so bad that this upcycle didn’t appeal to me, but then you are very creative so I can see where you could take it in a different direction.
I wasn’t necessarily a fan of the inspi outfit. Not a fan of shirts as dresses. I do have to wonder what would happen if you belted your transformed out fit and wore it with skinny pants or leggings?! Or w long boots?
Close?! I’d say you outdid Kylie Jenner by a mile!! Even though I personally would never wear it (I prefer my denim in the form of jeans), yours is soooooo much cuter. And so are you 😀
It may be time to refashion a t-shirt to have “ILK” across the front and back. As one of the “ilk” who check in regularly, thanks for your inspiration to do more with what we have. Best of Mondays to you!
I’m sure you’ll transform into something cute.
The word ilk to describe the Kartrashians is really civil & polite. Don’t care for either dress, but that’s okay. It reignited my creative juices to look beyond the traditional and just get bold. I actually have a pleater machine so I might refashion my fugly men’s shirt into some sort of smocked top. Keep rocking it girl!!
I really like the asymmetrical hem, and I thought your design outdid Kylie’s. You have the gams to pull that off and the shoes are really cute. My $0.2.
Not loving this refashion, sorry. The word ‘ilk’ can be used as an insult so maybe that was what the unsubscriber thought? When used as an insult it is usually in a snobbish/ disdainful way – people of that ilk (meaning an usavoury/ lower class/ rough etc type). .
I’m really not into that sack that Kylie Whatsherface is wearing ( or those excuses of gloves that she paired them with) But I really like yours! Yes it’s a little different, but that’s exactly what I like about it!
You’re managing to show some shape and leg in what is usually just a big blue bag. Well done! 🙂
I’m sorry. I do not care for this one, but I do really like your posts.
I’m loving this one on you! It looks great paired with those shoes 🙂
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