A Merry Re-Christmas!
Merry Christmas everybody! My Christmas ensemble started off looking like this:
I looked and felt like a depression-era housewife in this thing. I really liked the fun print, and the fabric (Silk! MMMMMMMM!) though. With a couple of tweaks, I would have the perfect outfit for a comfy/cozy Christmas with my soon-to-be family and a few friends.
Of course, I had to remove the shoulder pads, which some foolish person had hand-sewn in. Weird!
I liked the blousy-ness of the top, but I needed to make the waist fit better. I didn’t have much time to work on this, as I had overslept and I needed to get some cooking done. No worries! This called for a quick fix. I turned the dress inside-out and grabbed the back of the dress at the waist, taking in enough to make it fit. I deftly pinned it, and Ta-Da!
Now for that length…A good bit of it had to go! I wanted this dress to work as a tunic or as a short lil dress (versatility rocks).
I pinned my new hem under…
Then, I ran it through my machine…
Then a quick press to make my new hem nice and neat…
And just like that, I was done! I decided to rock my new tunic/dress with jeans and some festive green shoes and earrings.
The back looked just fine, despite my rather slackery methods.
And now… a story in 3 pictures:
Merry Christmas everybody! I hope your holiday season has been marvelous!
Cheers! 🙂
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2 Responses to A Merry Re-Christmas!
Excellent! You are so talented.
Basement kitteh is on to your exploitation of her, so that’s why she’s not about your trimmings on the floor. Perhaps. Also, has said kitteh tried to run back home to where y’all used to live? Like the other side of the duplex?! 😀
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