A Pleasant Peasant Top
Today’s refashion was super simple. I found this guy at the dollar-a-pound Goodwill, and loved it right away.
A Kozy Kaftan!
I love the bright colors and the light, breezy fabric! If I were of a kaftan-wearing sort, I would have kept it as-is. Sadly, I am not.
I’ve been a wee bit stressed lately. All I wanted was a comfy top to throw on over some jeans for my date with some fresh-baked cookies and theeeeeese guys:
“I like being weird. Weird’s all I’ve got…that and my sweet style!” ~ Moss
This seriously might be the funniest show on the planet.
Time to do away with my stressy self and break out my inner hippie! This will require a fun peasant top!
First, I cut off the length.
I’m totally saving that bottom part in my scrap drawer!
Then I pinned my new hem under. Easy Peasy.
Using my sewing gauge to keep my hem Even Steven!
I wanted a more relaxed neckline, so I cut a slit down the center of my new top.
Then, I pinned down a nice, neck-pleasing V.
Prepping that V!
All I had to do was sew it all down!
Emo Sewing
With a freshly stitched (and pressed!) hem and neckline, I was all set to vegetate!
So comfy!
So…do you have a few dresses in your closet that are really cute, but you happen to be sick of? Why not make them into tops? Sometimes a really simple alteration like this can make an old garment feel completely new! It’s sew (he he) easy!
My new top matches: A. my living room walls B. my tasty beverage C. Both A. and B.
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