Est. 2010

A Scrappy Skirt

Hey guys!  Remember this dress?

I refashioned the top part of this piece

…but what about that bottom scrap?

It’s a pretty big scrap, and I’d hate to just toss it out!  I thought turning it into a skirt would work quite nicely.  My closet has precious few skirts, so one more would be very welcome!

To get started, I turned the bottom part of this piece upside-down, so the bottom hem is now the top (you’ll see why in just a bit).  Then, I placed this refashioned dress over it as a template.  🙂

I got to snipping!

My cuts left that scrap looking like this:

I pinned everything except the high-low part together.

Then, I ran it through my machine!

Almost done!  I grabbed this leftover elastic from a fitted sheet that was used to make a toga

…and worked it through the casing of the dress’ original hem!

I stitched the ends of the elastic together…

Then, I closed up the top part that I had left open to run the elastic through!

Now I have a cute & simple high-low skirt!  🙂

I wore my new skirt to check out The Way Way Back at the Nickelodeon!

I loved this film.  It’s a perfect coming-of-age movie for anyone who was of the awkward sort in their teen years.  Well-acted and subtly powerful performances all around!

I’m so glad I was able to get 2 refashions out of 1 piece!  Bogos are always awesome!  🙂



Like this:



Because of your inspiration, I have tried a few refashions. I’ve seen other sites that have not inspired me to even try. Things were too complicated or too intense. I like your breezy style. My refashions to date have not turned out to well, the armholes have been too short, or too tight across the bust. But , my point is because of you I’m still trying. I live in SC as well.


Keep it up! You’ll get it! 🙂


love your haircut!


I saw something at JoAnn Fabrics that might interest you. There is a fabric dye now that is supposed to work on synthetic fabrics. It’s called iDye Poly. You may have to Google it if there isn’t a Joann’s near you. I hope that helps!


I LOVE your haircut!! So adorable!


Went to see The Way Way Back recently too, really enjoyed it, heartwarming and real!


I love the thought but the hem in the back just looks odd, you could always line it with a contrasting silky fabric I think that would make it look so much better. I don’t like the look of the wrong side of the fabric on high low skirts so when I make them I always use flat colours that are the same on both side or line them t the back so it doesn’t look like you’ve got it on inside out lol. I think the thought was there though and you have great imagination

Don’t be disheartened though! You are still fabulous!

Check out my blog I will be selling some of the paracord button jewellery soon so keep looking!


Click on my name for the actual blog x


Or maybe you could turn it sideways so that you can’t see the seam 🙂


I was thinking the same thing. I think the skirt is really cute as is but turning it to the side would make it extra sassy!


I’d love to see some more ‘complicated'(?) refashions… the quick ones like this (and the no-sew versions) can be inspiring, but you’re so talented it would be nice to see some more detailed / professionally finished refashions. For example, just because a fabric doesn’t fray when cut doesn’t mean you should skip hemming (imho), and just echoing the other comments, it would be nicer if that back-seam had been tackled differently! Maybe quality rather than quantity would be better when it comes to refashions?? Though, what do I know!!

Maui Made

I like the high low skirt actually… you rock it! did i see you on some daytime TV show? i’m so impressed by your skills


First of all you always impress me with you talent and dedication to your blog. I like the top but personally I would have made the skirt a pencil skirt or a mini and put a white top with a belt. Good luck at your fashion show!


okay, it pains me to say it, but this is a “No” from me. Maybe, a little less extreme, maybe a hem? You’re still my hero, but not today.


I wouldn’t like a high-low skirt on myself, but that after pic is great. The new hair and outfit combo really make u look like a bad-ass!


agree with most of the comments above – LOVE the top! I do a stack of refashioning, and have to say, for every 10 hits there’s at least 1 miss (or maybe I’m just hyper-critical) 🙂 ) How about showing us some of your “misses” – and why, not just in subjective aesthetics, but common sewing errors too? I can’t begin to tell you some of the stupid rookie mistakes I make, even though I do kinda know what I’m doing! Fun, and we’d all learn!


I agree Genni! I can make something out of nothing, but to refashion for me is a disaster! I get about 10 misses to 1 hit! Hemming armholes is a nightmare for some reason, I could learn from a few specialized tips!!


super cute!

Cindy B.

I’m not a fan of the seam being in the front of the skirt, and in this one the back seam showing from the front makes it look unfinished. As for the commenter above “Sarah”, for her to say the comments are unsolicited is dumb. If a blog has a comment option, then all comments are solicited and wanted. Bloggers know that not everyone will share their same opinion, but they open themselves up to people with different opinions when they share their content on a blog. Nobody said they hate Jillian! We obviously love her and admire what she does and her creativity!


Loved the top !
No high low on this one or maybe a liner. I would even it out or just shorten the low part a bit.


Cute! I think I agree with Anna though, I think I prefer a more gradual curve for the high-low hem. You rocked it regardless though!


Your hair looks amazing in your end results pic. I love high/low skirts. It’s taken everything within me not to change all of my maxi skirts into high/ low skirts! I am also loving the stripes and floral trend right now!


Thank you! As it’s still a new cut, I’m not quite sure how I feel about it. But it’s muuuuch cooler for the hot weather and you guys aren’t having to see me with it up in a messy bun all the time now! 🙂

Joyce Love

I agree with most of the others – love the top! I’m just not a fan of the high/low look in general… I think it’s one of those trends that people will look back on in 5-10 years & say, “What was I thinking?” Although, as always, you could wear a potato sack & look good, Jillian!


Thanks! I think the high part miiiiight be a lil to short on this one too…maybe a more moderate slope would be more flattering?


LOVE the top, not crazy about the skirt simply because I don’t like seeing the raw unprinted sides of fabrics in any clothing. If it bothers you…and it probably doesn’t…you could fashion another sort of “high/low slip” and wear it wrong side out ( think unattached lining ) to cover that raw fabric and it would then be awesome. Adorable top.


I REALLY like the idea of a high-low slip to wear with high-low skirts. Maybe a lacy one? Hmmmmm… I LOVE that top. I found it for $1 at my fave thrift store (surprise!)! It’s actually supposed to be a pajama top, so it’s super soft! 🙂

Ann DeAngelis Refford

Umm…I was never a fan of the original pattern of the original garment. However, the flowy top worked wonderfully with the pattern and color, I have to admit. The high/low skirt is a neat design and looks great on you cuz yer skinny 🙂 but the pattern of the original garment doesn’t work for me as the skirt. And I have to agree, the lighter color on the inside kind of ruins the look. I mean really, there’s only so much a Refashionista Diva can do with a polyester pattern that should never have been born 😉


Yeah…this one wasn’t one of my best (that’s what I get for only taking 15 minutes on it, I think). I also had a hard time finding a top to wear with it that didn’t look weird or just bland. I should have thought this one out a little better and maybe made a top out of it? I dunno. Maybe I can take it apart and try something else. 🙂

Ann DeAngelis Refford

How about a pair of lounge around the house shorts? I think that would look nice with just a white tee or tank top and be done with it. A string bag? Some type of Anime stuffed animal to ward off evil spirits? Maybe a nice collection of beer bottle cozies? Or, make something darling for your pooch? ;D
That’s all I got at the moment 😀

Sarah Knepper Rudder (@sknep)

I wish everyone who didn’t “approve” would just keep their unsolicited opinions to themselves! How unhelpful and rude. Would you really go up to someone’s face and say “I don’t like your clothes!”? Seriously, if any of you run a DIY crafting blog that makes the best of ONE-DOLLAR thrift store disasters, then by all means, critique. The rest of you, shut you yappers!


I don’t see anything wrong with constructive criticism. In the art world (fashion included), critiques are pretty standard and important because everyone has different knowledge & experiences to share. It doesn’t do an artist any good to hear “great job!” form everyone all the time. Sure, it’s definitely a morale booster, and always appreciated, but how is one supposed to grow and get better without being open to criticism? As an artist, I like it when someone is honest with me and offers constructive ideas for improvement. Of course, comments such as “I don’t like it” that offer no further explanation are not very useful as a critique. Plenty of people don’t have blogs, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t allowed to share their thoughts!

Ann DeAngelis Refford

^^Agree with Anna^^^ 🙂

Kim Douglas

Oh, Sarah Knepper Rudder, what a kick I get out of hypocrites like you. LOL! You, who doesn’t “approve” of “unsolicited opinions” and yet feels justifies in stating their own unsolicited opinion.Tsk! Tsk! How rude you are to tell someone “I don’t like your opinion.” How unhelpful and rude you are to tell someone to shut their yappers on a comment page. Really?

Ann DeAngelis Refford

***applause for Kim*** 🙂


By having a comment section she is, in fact, soliciting opinions.

Jo H.

But there’s a helpful, respectful way and a rude, critical way to express an opinion …



1. I’m totally cool with criticism. It’s important, and I want everyone to know that this is a happy safe place for it. I’ve known far too many artists/creative types who ONLY hear positive things so they start to “believe their own BS”. I don’t ever want to reach that point.

2. Everything I do ISN’T always going to be awesome all the time, and when it isn’t, I deserve to be called out on it. Knowing what you guys like to see/think is cool helps me produce better work.

3. That’s really nice of you guys who worry about my feelings being hurt by criticism, but as long as they aren’t making fun of me for being short, I’m cool with it (Stop telling me wear heels!!!!!). 😉

No worries. 🙂


Yup! I love opinions! Lay ’em on me! 🙂

Alicia in Indy

I am a big fan of high-low skirts, but not this one. It just doesn’t live up to your normal refashions that wow. I am thinking that if you pull the skirt up to your chest and give it a 45 degree twist, it might make a really cute tube top with an asymmetrical hem.


I don’t see the appeal of the high low hem – I tried a few dresses on recently with it and it looked really unflattering on me. Meh.


I love your blog!!! It is very inspiring – I am getting ready to try my hand at some refash! Your hair looks amazing in this pic too!




While I generally love the high-low look, I think I prefer a more rounded s-curve (if you’re looking at it from the side) as opposed to leaving a right-angle and flat expanse of hem at the bottom. Judy made an interesting point, I wouldn’t go so far as to say “hate” seeing the wrong side, but I do think the hi-low looks best on fabrics that are the same color on both sides. Maybe you could find a lightweight fabric that’s the same color and line it so the contrast isn’t so severe.
Love that you were able to get two refashions out of one dress! Can’t wait to see what you do with the remaining scrap. 🙂


Hate it. seeing the wrong side w/ seam, yuck.


I see what you mean. Shoulda thought this one through more.


I like your skirt, but my only complaint is that very noticeable hem in the back of the skirt. For high-low skirts, I always like having a flat panel at the back so that the skirt is eyecatching…not the hem. Otherwise, great work for the 2-in-1.


And, it looked like you still had a big piece of scrap material left over to do yet another faboulous refash ! Good job!


Love the high low. I find myself buying more and more dresses with that hem. Still ADORE how the top part of the dress turned out.



Loved the first refash…not so much the second. Not a fan of the hi/low look and the low part looks raw and unfinished. The tunic however looks fab!


Awesome as usual…and scraps are very useful…nice one.

What do you think?

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