Creating now.
Creating Now.
Hello fellow travelers. I’ve returned! 🙂 I’ve been revamping a few things around the old blog, and I hope you dig the changes I’ve made. […]
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CreateAthon 2016!
Once a year, Riggs Partners (the advertising agency I do cool digital things for) has a CreateAthon. You probably don’t know what that is. It’s […]
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A Fall Floral Top
Oh hai fall, I didn’t know it was you! I am deeply and profoundly excited about our (admittedly slight) change in temperature here in SC. […]
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An Early Fall Beige Brunch Dress
The other day, I asked the following question on the ReFashionista Facebook page: Over 450 of you were kind enough to weigh in, and the […]
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Bierkeller Dress
Hi all! I know…I haven’t posted in a while. I’ll explain why later. For now, let’s just take in a nice, soothing refashion. Doesn’t that […]
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A Kylie Jenner-esque Denim Dress
When fellow Columbia blogger, Haley Sprankle created a Kylie Jenner-esque denim dress ensemble with a thrifted men’s denim shirt and challenged others to do the same, I […]
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