Day 123: Pumpkin Patch Dress | ReFashionista

Day 123: Pumpkin Patch Dress

Today’s dress comes from Irene over at Dirty Kneepads.  🙂

I look like a sad peasant!

Irene swung by my house with a bag ‘o dresses, including this one.  She loved wearing it until she spilled honey mustard on it.  🙁  All the bleach in the world failed to remove the stain.

Boo to stains!

Into a nice, hot dye bath it went!  🙂

A happy pumpkin-y orange!

What you’re seeing in the above pic a combination of Rit Sunny Orange and Rit Scarlet.  Yup…I did a little combo action, hoping for a nice Halloween Orange hue.  I left the dress in its dye bath for an hour.

Happy Halloween!

I wore my orange & black ensemble to my monthly supper club, where this week’s theme was comfort foods!  Nom!  🙂

Just a few of the tasty dishes we indulged in! 🙂

Photobombers happen.

Fun with the Fella! 🙂

Happy Times at Supper Club! 🙂


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5 Responses to Day 123: Pumpkin Patch Dress

That turned out awesome!

Love what you did. Personally, I think the color is awesome. But, I love all shades of orange. Great going.

This is a great way to give new life to clothes. What kind of dye did you use and where will I be able to find it?

I used Rit dye. You can find it just about anywhere…even at grocery stores! You can also find a better selection at craft stores. 🙂

LOOKS AWESOME! So much better than with that darn stain. The funny thing is, that I only wore it 1 time, and was eating something w/ honey mustard and thought…oh no! I’m wearing white, and PLOP!…Thanks for revitalizing that dress!

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