Day 137: Skort! | ReFashionista

Day 137: Skort!

Check out this fine pair of pantaloons!


Does anyone else remember skorts (aka shorts that lived a lie)?

Well this one wasn’t fooling anybody.  :/  I loved the fabric, but I didn’t love the whole shorts thing, the it being too big thing, or the elastic waistband being completely stretched out thing.

First, I de-shorted this thing into a true skirt with a few snips!


Then, I fitted it to my waist with a quick fold-n-pin with one of my favorite brooches.  🙂

Brooching the subject!

Now I have an honest-to-goodness skirt with nothing to hide!  🙂

No secrets here! 🙂


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9 Responses to Day 137: Skort!

The first picture is too cute lol! Love this! The skirt came out great:)

Success again. Great job.

Thank ya! 🙂

Much better – you looked like and Elizabethan actor inthe first photo….brilliant!

Haha! Thanks! It does look like something out of The Tudors, doesn’t it?

I like this one! It looks really nice paired with the simple black T. Good job!

you’d have fit right in down here throughout october! the colors in the skirt are the same ones they use to celebrate creole month 🙂

OK, so let me explain….I was young, I was confused….I was living in South Korea!! Yes, another one of my hideous pieces of clothing…the top photo is great (although I’m cringing because I ACTUALLY WORE THIS THING IN PUBLIC….but I’m thinking my hair was probably bigger than this skort at the time so perhaps people were too focused on my top and not my bottom….what can I say, it was the 80′s afterall!!) I knew the material would be wonderful for Susan….I never ever thought she would wear it…or give it to someone who would…but somehow, you creative thing you…you transformed my SKORT into an adorable, wearable skirt! I salute you….PS. Susan’s coming to my house for Thanksgiving…I’ll start digging in the closet, I’m on a mission to stump you! Get ready!!! PSS…I know you are wondering, and the answer is “YES”, I also owned and wore the ever so trendy “Gouchos” thankyouverymuch!!!!

Sonya, you’re too funny. I hope Jillian redoes a few more of your items, because your comments are a wonderful pairing with her creative refashions!! 😀

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