Day 147: A Star is Born
I love the day after Thanksgiving! One of my favorite things about it (it ranks right up there with gnoshing on tasty leftovers all day) is decorating the Christmas tree! 🙂
Sadly, our tree was missing a little something. I filled it with ornaments and lights, but the top was still bare. :/ Time to get to work!
I used the bottom scrap from Day 24 and a shoulder pad from Day 63.
Lookin’ Scrappy!
A Rad Little Pad!
First I had Fella draw a star on a piece of paper (because for some reason I couldn’t draw a proper star if my life depended on it), cut it out, and traced it twice on the gold scrap. I snipped it out.
I sewed the two sides together. This fabric was thin and stretchy, so my star ended up looking a bit wonky. :/
In Stitches!
I turned my star right side out and stuffed it.
Stuffing the Star!
So my star was almost ready! All I needed was a way to attach it to the top of my tree.
I sewed two sides of the shoulder pad together and turned it inside-out.
So now I have a star and a thingy to attach the star to my tree. I combined the two by hand-stitching a pretty rhinestone button through the pad and the star.
This goes here.
I know it looks a little cattywompus, but I find it charming. 🙂
Ta-Daaaaaaaaah! 🙂
Of course, since we have a curious kitty cat, a big tree could be dangerous (imagine Gypsy climbing all over it and knocking it to the ground!). There’s nothing wrong with a teeny tree! 🙂
It’s not pathetic. It’s humble. 🙂
I hope you guys are having a wonderful holiday season. Happy tree trimming! 🙂
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One Response to Day 147: A Star is Born
I think my kitty counts the days until the tree comes back each year! She is amazed and enchanted with our gorgeous tree (which re-emerges from its box once a year). Oh boy – she is going to be in hog heaven this coming weekend when up goes the tree, and that oh so soft velvet tree skirt. BTW – don’t EVER buy a velvet tree skirt if you have a kitty who likes to lie under the tree – it gets VERY hairy 🙂
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