Day 150: Go Gamecocks! | ReFashionista

Day 150: Go Gamecocks!

I needed something Garnet & Black to cheer on the USC Gamecocks for the big Carolina/Clemson game.  I dug through my bin of potential refashions, and couldn’t find either color.  What was I going to do?

No worries.  I grabbed a strapless denim dress instead.

Just a tad large.

This will only take a quick fix.  I took each side in about 3″


After cutting off the extra material, my dress was fixed.

The only problem was I still wasn’t showing my team colors!

I grabbed a scrap of red fabric and made a quick rosette.

Everything’s coming up roses! 🙂

I pinned it to my dress and threw on a black cardi.  I was officially ready to cheer on my Alma Mater!

Go Cocks!

I must admit, my pals looked much cozier in their warm hoodies.  🙂

Carolina Crew!

The Carolina Gamecocks beat the Clemson Tigers soundly to finish off their regular season in victory!  Go Cocks!  🙂



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5 Responses to Day 150: Go Gamecocks!

Love this! Very chic way to watch sports. The belt makes the outfit come together in my opinion.


Hope you weren´t too chilly!

Luckily the weather here has been oddly warm, so I was pretty cozy. 🙂

I wish this was in my closet!

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