Day 159: A Hole is a Hole, No Matter How You Slice It. | ReFashionista

Day 159: A Hole is a Hole, No Matter How You Slice It.

Today’s piece is inspired by a tee I spotted at Urban Outfitters.

That’ll be $34.

You must be effing kidding me!

I found this tee shirt for $1 at one of my favorite thrift stores.

Just a big ol’ tee!

I took my tee in 2″ on each side.  I didn’t want it to be super-fitted, but I didn’t want to drown in it either.



Next, I made my own open raw-edged cutout detailing (i.e. hole).  While I was snipping, I also cut off the bottom hem and trimmed the neckline down a bit.

Open raw-edged cutout detailing!

Now I have a suitable copycat that only cost me one measly dollar!  🙂

It pairs well with wine, too! 🙂

Now…let’s have a look at that back!

Wah Lah!

I wore my new tee to my good pal, Erin’s place for a Walking Dead Season 2 Marathon!  Fella and I don’t have cable, so I reallllllly appreciate when my friends do!  🙂

Look alive, Amy! Oh wait…Awkward!

I absolutely love this show!  And I loved the company.  Especially these little fellas!

Meet Max & Igor!

Snug as a bug in a rug!

…Such a lovely undead evening!  🙂

Sometimes I worry that I’m becoming boring.  I used to frock out in shredded fishnets, combat boots, and the very briefest of miniskirts for nights  spent hanging out with bands, passing around a bottle of bourbon behind bars and spend my days in a state of perpetual recovery of the night before.  I used to smoke, flirt, misbehave, and thought nothing about causing a scene.  Now I find myself concerned with things like decorum, my fine china collection, and getting in early so I can get a good night’s sleep.  I still go out, but I get just as much pleasure hanging out and drinking good wine on a friend’s porch, decked out in a baggy tee shirt.  Pajama jeans seem like a really good idea, I’ve really gotten into cooking, I’m thinking about starting canning, and now I prefer a pleasant evening to a crazy one.

20-year-old me wants to slap 29-year-old me repeatedly.  Fella (who is about 10 years my senior) tells me this means I’m “growing up”, becoming “more mature”, and a bunch of other nonsense.  Maybe it’s time to do away with childish things…or maybe I’ve lost my edge.

Either way, I’m enjoying it immensely!  🙂

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14 Responses to Day 159: A Hole is a Hole, No Matter How You Slice It.

You´re not losing your edge – and I´m sure you´ll have the odd wild night (that will take you three days to recover from instead of one!)…enjoy this new state of affairs. And look at you in your sexy cut out t-shirt!

if we still all acted like 20 year old us…. watch out world! wooooo : )

i highly support wine & cigar nights on porches and watching the walking dead!

No worries! I had my first daughter when I was 18 (instead of 30 like many nowadays) and never went through the wild phase – so I’m going to be the wierd 45 year old party-er most likely. I like the tee shirt! It’s more of an attainable refashion for me! Might have to break out the scissors today 🙂

I have followed you for several months now and very much enjoy your daily posts. You are most assuredly a creative person. I don’t suppose that you will ever be capable of boring others, except perhaps your own teen aged children…. someday. But that just naturally comes in the land of parenthood. I agree fully with “Fella”, you are evolving, and growing. I’ve discovered it doesn’t end except by some form of divine intervention.
It may be time to do away with some childish things, such as those listed in your post. But never do away with all of them. And you haven’t lost your edge, you’re becoming more faceted. It’s obvious there is joy in your life. thank you for sharing what you do.
Have a memorable holiday and a blessed new year.

more facets = more edges!

I agree with what Laura said. There comes a time when you “grow up” in a sense, but that doesnt mean you are becoming a “boring” person. You are just adding more facets to the gem you call life. Besides, who doesnt enjoy more “sparkle”????

It happens to most everybody. The way I see it, you have to live each age as you go through it or miss out on it. If you still live like 20 at 29, when you hit 35 you’ll realize that 29 is now lost to you forever. Enjoy every minute of every age!

Never boring….always inspirational and fun. Fella sounds like a good man to have around 🙂

I think that’s totally fine! What makes you happy changes over time and that’s cool. Just go with it…BTW, canning is a blast 😉

best show!
-fan from wardrobe refashion

Great t-shirt idea. So easy but effective. I think the 29 year old you is finally ‘comforatable’ in life and thats a great thing.

As Fella says, you’re just growing up (only slightly I’m sure haha). I’m 32 and have recently looked back and realised the same thing. I don’t stay up until 3am anymore because I don’t want to feel like I’ve wasted the next day! I’m getting old lol. But…. it’s not a bad thing. As long as you’re still enjoying what you do, no matter how laid back it is, then it’s worth it. And if it’s spend with friends and wine, then more’s the better! 😀

The frugal you is gonna LOVE canning! It’s one of my other favorite things to do in addition to sewing! And I agree with everyone here. You look like the kind of person that will make anything fun and creative. That part never goes away.

If it’s any consolation, I went through a “grown up” phase in my late 20s/early 30s. Trying to wear heels, going out for dinner, trying to be houseproud etc. My life now consists of going to gigs and festivals, wearing my combat boots, hotpants and a band shirt, hitting the JD and basically ruining my hearing forever. I’ll be 38 in a few weeks’ time. However you decide to spend your time – enjoy!

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