Day 169: You Look Good in Blue Dress
Welcome to my fancy/awesome old lady dress!
I love that blue hue and the gauzy fabric. But a few things had to go!
I took one of the sleeves and sewed it into a short sash.
I used the sash to tie the dress in the back, just like on Day 78. I cinched the waist with one of my fave vintage scarves and was ready to go!
I wore my new dress to go finish up some Christmas shopping with a couple of swell fellas. 🙂
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5 Responses to Day 169: You Look Good in Blue Dress
oh my gosh, what a refashion/renovation/renewal!!! This is such a gorgeous change One of your best!!
That is stunning – and what a beautiful colour!
I definitely saw a dress with the same style as the before dress! I was going to get it from Goodwill but wasn’t sure what I would do with it! That was Friday and you did this blog RIGHT after I left it at the store! This post was a GREAT help! Great job! 🙂 Super cute turnout!
a good color for you. And, I love that last pic!
Fantastic refashioned dress. Opens my eyes up to exciting new possiblities. I would love for you to follow my blog as well. I think you may like it, well I hope you do!LOL
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