Day 171: Ruffle Scarf
Some of you may remember this from Day 21.
First off, let me say the next time I decide to shave my head for a good cause, I’m going to look back at all of these awkward growing-out phase pics and reallllly think hard about it. 🙂 Really.
The top I made from this dress actually ended up looking pretty swell. But I was left with the bottom ruffle.
I managed to completely botch today’s intended refashion (I think I can save it…I just need a little more time), but I remembered that ruffle.
It made a really pretty scarf for my outfit for the evening. 🙂
Fella and I went to a drop-in that reminded me of the Rick Moranis party scene from Ghostbusters (I’m givin’ this whole thing as a promotional expense, that’s why I invited clients instead of friends.). Somehow, a few of us stumbled upon the topic of where we were in ’96. When a pretty little blonde weakly muttered, “I was ten.”, I got a nice set of “When did I get old?” pangs. Hopefully this won’t get worse as I approach the big 3-0.
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4 Responses to Day 171: Ruffle Scarf
Hello from London! I came across your blog a couple of days ago and you have inspired me to try some refashioning in the New Year. So thanks for the inspiration and Merry Christmas…
This scarf is lovely! You are so creative, can’t believe there is something not turning out good. Thanks for sharing.
“96″!!!!! MY daughter was 11!!!! Talk about old!!!! Love your blog!!!!!!
I tutor kids who were born in the ’00s. THAT’s old.
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