Day 172: Herbie the Door Mouse | ReFashionista

Day 172: Herbie the Door Mouse

Several months ago, I made this sweet set of mouse ears for my buddy, Herbie.  He’s dressed as the door mouse from Alice in Wonderland!  🙂

Isn’t he a total cute boots in those ears?

When he dropped off the materials to make the ears, he left me with yards of grey felt…waaaaay more than I really needed.

Fast forward to today, when my landlord did his annual walk-through of our house.  He noticed that my front door was a little drafty.  I knew EXACTLY what I was going to do!

I grabbed my big stash of grey felt, as well a few other scrappies.  🙂


I cut out two 42″ x 13″ rectangles from the grey felt.

Big ol’ Rectangle!

Then I folded them in half and drew a shape with my fabric marker.

I’ll bet you’re wondering where I’m going with this. 🙂

I cut my shape out, and unfolded it.

Cut. It. Out.

Then, I sewed the two sides together, except for the very bottom center.


I turned the whole thing inside out and bugged Fella for a bit with my temporary puppet!

It’s not exactly muppet quality, is it?

Time to add a face to this mysterious little guy!

First this…

Then this!

I stuffed my plushy new pal…

Stuff it!

…and now I have an adorable way to keep chilly drafts away from my door this winter!

Meet my new Door Mouse! 🙂


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9 Responses to Day 172: Herbie the Door Mouse

If you fill it with beans (I used soybeans for mine), it keeps the drafts out and stays in place even better!

Ooooohhhhhh, look at that button stash. Let’s see you use more of those in your refashions!

I TOTALLY love that!! Great job Jillian!

What a CUTE idea!! I LOVE IT! Thanks for entertaining my lazy mornings with your creativity!

Very cute!!! I just may have to steal that idea – my sister’s house is very drafty and she could totally use one of these!

Hilarious – I think my dogs would probably love playing with it 🙂

Cute as can be!

This is sooo cute and timely too..

OMG genius! Sooo cute and creative!

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