Day 174: Christmas Luncheon Dress
When Fella invited me over to the radio station where he works for a tasty Christmas Luncheon, my first two thoughts were,
1. “Yay! Free Food!”
2. “Wait a tic…What’ll I wear?”
I decided on this festive frock! 🙂
This dress actually fit me really well, but the length was not working. Also, the lining was peeking out from the outer layer.
The first step I needed to take was pretty obvious.
Then I pinned my new hem down.
I put my new dress under the needle as I fantasized about the tasty French food I was about to be be wolfing down. 🙂
I took the sashy tie-things and wrapped them around my back to the front, and pinned them to the front with a pretty vintage flower pin.
Perfect for a day of lunching and finishing up on my holiday errands! 🙂
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5 Responses to Day 174: Christmas Luncheon Dress
love it! this is so cute!
Gorgeous! I love how this dress came out! If only I could find such cute dresses the look half as good on me :p I hope you had a wonderful time! Merry Christmas!
Very pretty and festive – it must be so warm where you are!
Nice job! Finishing touch with the vintaged flower pin.
Love it.
Consider some kind of rouching-along-the-sides thing next time you have a dress this shape… I think you could pull it off.
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