Day 187: Welcome Back Dress
Today’s dress was reminiscent of antique wallpaper.
This crazy uber floral frock was actually handmade. This means that someone actually saw this fabric in a store and thought “Hey! That’s awesome! I want to make a big tacky dress out of that!” I don’t get it.
I didn’t pause to think about this for very long. There was much work to do!
First, I removed those fake pocket flaps from the front of the dress.
Next, I took the whole big mess in 2″ on each side
Then I cut off a good bit of the length, and hemmed it.
I took that bottom part that I chopped away, and sewed it into a nice lil matchy-matchy sash, and voila! I had a fun dress to reunite with my good buddy, Lisa who has been teaching in China for the last six months.
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12 Responses to Day 187: Welcome Back Dress
Love how the dress turned out. Fantastic.
I love this. So creative.
That is amazing! You are very talented!
this looks great! wouldn’t be able to guess how it used to look judging by the outcome, great job!
❤ ❤ ❤
And triple hearts right back atcha! 🙂
amazing dress!
Thanks! 🙂
wow. that’s just amazing!! check out my fashion blog: …like,share and follow it! Also check out the fb page!
Your blog is so fun! Lots of fun fashion tips! 🙂
Looked like a Muumuu (hope I spelled it correctly) to begin with!
that is fantastic-i do that kind of stuff except i have to pay my seamstress!! i always wished i knew how to sew to make changes like that on my own:)
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