Day 195: Complete Cop-Out Dress
Alright friends…Today, I was very near the end of my refashioned rope. Combining wedding planning, working full-time, trying to have a(n admittedly very active) social life, and keeping up with this blog is much harder than I thought it would be when I first began this project. It’s as if I expected to magically become this super-hero type of woman who would suddenly be able to wake up super early and stay up super late while making amazeballs refashions every day and maintain a chipper attitude all the while.
Yeah. No. It ain’t that easy. :/ It would be stupid and misleading for me to pretend otherwise. In this lovely little blogosphere, I can show you whatever I want you to see. It’s easy to make it look like I never get snippy with my fiance after a long day at work followed by having to bang out a refashion so we can meet up with friends (and not be late). That simply isn’t the case.
Anywho. Today was tough. :/ But…a refashion, however lame it may be did happen.
I began with this skirt from my own closet that I never seem to wear anymore.
So pretty…yet so seldom worn!
I hiked it up and tossed on the obi belt I made last year to cinch the waist.
wah lah?
So yes…this was admittedly a cop-out. I promise to do better tomorrow. Really. I do. 🙂
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13 Responses to Day 195: Complete Cop-Out Dress
I do this with my maxi skirts too! Though only over the summer, love going strapless! Stay strong honey, I went through wedding planning last year myself, and know how crazy it can be!
Don´t be so hard on yourself…can´t you find a way to do less refashioning without compromising the aim of what you planned? One a week or two?
You’re doing so well…much better than I am with my one blog post per week. I totally get what you’re saying…it’s like working 3 full time jobs doing your day job, your passion/hobby and being in a relationship. Nevermind a wedding! I just love logging in every day to check out what you’ve done next…no expectations really…just really impressed with your talent and stamina. <3 your blog 🙂
This is an amazing project. I think a cop out day every so often is perfectly acceptable.
You’re amazing. This refashion was very creative and not a cop-out at all. Reading your blog is a daily breath of fresh air for me but if you skipped a day or two, I would know you were just putting your priorities in order. Your fans will be there for you when you come back.
I agree you should not be hard on yourself. You are doing a swell job chronicling your commitment and challenge. Not everyone can sew and today’s outfit is one that non-sewing individuals can accomplish. Great job!
Totally not a cop out! Not everything has to be re-invented by sewing it. You’re opening up our minds to various ways of seeing things in a new light. Some can’t sew and sometimes as you so eloquently put it, we just don’t have the time, so this is definitely something that anyone can do on a short time budget. Please don’t be hard on yourself. I love seeing how you use your creativity to come up with these great re-fashions, but if it doesn’t happen every single day, that’s totally understandable. You have a lot going on in your life. Don’t feel bad if this has to get pushed aside occasionally.
btw, this was an ADORABLE refashion. I love the entire ensemble.
I think it’s cute.
Amazeballs. (adj.)
Copping out is ok, when greatl words such as ‘amazeballs’ are used somewhere in the explanation. 🙂
We all have days where balance is a struggle! You’re doing great and I love to see what you are creating. When I saw this skirt I thought of this refashion I saw. It’s really cute and I think you could do it if you like it!
And here all this time I’m thinking – well she must not work full-time! Because – hello – when the HECK do you find time to do all of this? I can’t even find the energy to hem one pair of pants, nevermind refashion a whole bunch of stuff, so good for you – you ROCK!
I am astounded that you manage to do this every day. Do take a day off if you need to! We’ll miss you, but we’ll manage somehow… x
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