Day 219: I Dream of Jar Dyed Tees!
When I found a ladies white tee for $1 at one of my fave thrift stores, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it! 🙂
Tabula Rasa!
I still had a teensy bit of Fuchsia and Kelly Green Dye left over from other projects. “Hmmmmmnnn….What to do?”, I asked myself.
I boiled a kettle of water, and put the white tee in a pitcher. As I put it in, I hid a little bit of each dye in the folds of the fabric, alternating colors.
First the fuchsia, then the green, and so on!
I poured the hot water over the top of the tee. It looked like this:
View from outside!
I left the tee in the pitcher for about 45 minutes. Then, I rinsed it off in my machine.
Rinsey Rinsey!
Now I have a cute tee that’s perfect for an exciting evening…
Wait…didn’t I say exciting?
So sleeepy!
…on my couch! 😀 I was so tired from such a fun weekend! Even Refashionistas need their rest! 😉
Nighty Nite! 🙂
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3 Responses to Day 219: I Dream of Jar Dyed Tees!
Cute as a button!
That´s so clever!
Nice colours and good idea!
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