Day 232: Brunchtime Dress | ReFashionista

Day 232: Brunchtime Dress

When the jumpsuit meets culottes, nothing good can come of it!

This ain’t pretty, folks!

This piece is all sorts of lameness.  :/  I got to work on de-lameifying it!

I unpicked the crotch of this silly thing with my seam ripper.

Pick! Pick! Pick!

Then, I chopped of the legs!

Chop and Chop!

Then I closed up the front and back seams where I unpicked the crotch earlier.  🙂


Stitch it up!

I cut off the extra material from the front and back seams, then I got to work on hemming my new dress!

Yay! A new hem!

I turned the dress around so the zipper closure was at the front.  It could be worn either way.  🙂

Ready to head off to brunch!

It’s like a salad in a cup! 😉


Cheers!  🙂

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4 Responses to Day 232: Brunchtime Dress

Much better once you´d got hold of it. Am giggling as it reminded me of a pal in the 80s (yes, I´m THAT old!) who had some elasticated waist culottes and got the bottom of them caught in the escalator in London on the way to a meeting. You know how this ends don´t you?! Fortunately she was with a male colleague who was wearing a long coat and after the escalator had chewed them up and she had exposed herself to a few hundred people in central London, he came to the rescue and covered her up!

Thank goodness culottes fell out of vogue…I could see something like that happening to me! Eep!

It’s so cool how you transformed this dress, looks nice 🙂

Okay Missy,
This is, at least, the second cutie-patootie refashion from culottes/jumpers. This is so ADORABLE!
I had a ton of these in the 80′s, maybe even the 90′s! I haven’t quite figured out the whole crotch seam ripping technique; however, I am going to find one of these, if it kills me, and tackle the refashion!!

Keep up the good work. I love everything you do.


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