Day 275: Frankentop | ReFashionista

Day 275: Frankentop

I’m sure you guys remember when I cut into this piece from Day 269.

But what happened to that top part?

And hopefully some of you remember when I refashioned the top part of this dress from Day 142

What will become of that bottom scrap?

I really loved the fabric on both of these pieces, so I decided to make like Mary Shelley and create a Frankentop!  🙂

First, I trimmed the bottom of the piece from Day 142 to match the width of the top of what would soon be my new top.  I left a bit of a seam allowance so I could sew it back up and still have it match the top.


Then, I pinned this fabric tube to the top of the dress from Day 269.

Fold it under, and pin!

Then, I stitched it all together!

Two becoming one! 🙂

There was no need to hem the bottom of this one, as I was using a scrap that already had a hem in place, so I was good to go!


Nick and The Ladies! 🙂


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3 Responses to Day 275: Frankentop

Your franken-top looks great! It’s like two for the price of one 🙂

I really like it! The combination of prints makes it more custom.

I’m interested to know what you do with the leftovers.This is a large piece of fabric left over. It would be very hard for me to toss these large pieces.

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