Day 277: Wine Not? Tee | ReFashionista

Day 277: Wine Not? Tee

I’m a very picky gal about my T shirts.  I don’t want them to be too big, but I also don’t want them to be super-fitted either.  I loved the fun stripes and the pocket on this tee I scored for $1, but it obviously falls into the “too big”  category.  :/

No, Mr. Shirt. You just won’t do!

I turned this too-big tee inside-out and laid one of my favorite tees on top of it.  Then, I pinned along the edges of my fave tee.  🙂

Why can’t you be more like that guy?

Then, I ran each side of my tee through my machine!


I cut off that extra fabric…

Snippity Snip!

I also shortened the tee a bit, and used that scrap to make an uber-matchy head scarf!  🙂

Ah! Just how I like it!

Now my tee isn’t too big, and it isn’t too small!  It’s juuuust right!

And I do so love having a matching accessory!

Scarf it up!

I wore my comfy tee as I got to work unpacking!  There’s still so much to do!  Luckily, I had a good friend who helped me a great deal!

I love you wine! 🙂


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2 Responses to Day 277: Wine Not? Tee

ahhh wine 🙂 bff

I will try this on Hubby’s outgrown tees. This turned out great.

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