Day 279: Uptown Girl Dress | ReFashionista

Day 279: Uptown Girl Dress

Today’s piece began as an odd blue jumpsuit.

I look like a mechanic

Alright…as I’m not a mechanic, this piece wasn’t going to work as is.  But I do love the color, the multitude of pockets, and this cute little applique!

Is it an owl? I can’t really tell!

I immediately got to de-legging it by removing the seams at the crotch.

Pick! Pick! Pick!

Then I trimmed off the legs below the unpicked seams.

Choppy Choppy!

Alright…now it’s time to give this legless wonder a bit of shape!  I tossed it on my dress form inside-out and pinned the sides, like so:

It’s really shaping up!

I ran each side through my machine.


I cut off the extra fabric, and put the dress back on my dress form, right-side-out this time, and pinned new seams from where I unpicked the crotch.

Skirting the issue! 🙂

I’m almost done!  All that’s left to do is give my new dress a new hem!

Almost done!!!

Check it out!  Now that wacky jumpsuit is a terrific little day dress!

And it matches my sweet Chucks! 🙂

You guys will be pleased to know that my lil Cabriolet is back in action, with a sweet new exhaust system!  She sounds amazing, and I’m so glad she didn’t need any major work!  Much thanks to Erin and Mike for helping me get around while she was in the shop!  I’m lucky to have such sweet friends!  🙂


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11 Responses to Day 279: Uptown Girl Dress


Love this! It’s so cute and I could definitely see it on the racks in a store!
Great work!

Adorable!! Love your work so much!!

Looks great and love the footwear! Good news about your car too 🙂

This is an excellent refash!!!! it looks so cute on you!!! Now i want to go find an odd jumpsuit!

awesome job and i love that it matches the shoes!

Never did like jumpsuits. They look like mechanics work clothes. Your refashion of this jumpsuit is simply marvelous! You have a great eye for refashion.

I think this is so freaking cute! That blue IS pretty awesome, I must say. The sneakers wrap up your outfit pretty nicely and you look fab wearing it. Is it as super comfy at it appears? You know, this is the kind of post that makes me want to beg other people to give me their daudy old clothing! P.S. I am glad to see that the belt stayed. it is perfect.

I’m taking notes here. I want to go shopping at the thrift shop. What a talent you have.

My kid likes this one – a lot!

This is one of my favorites! Love it!

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