Day 284: Back in Black Dress | ReFashionista

Day 284: Back in Black Dress

Today’s dress is perfectly fine in its original state.  A rare thing for this blog, eh?  😉

Not bad at all, see?

This dress came from my own closet.  For the past two summers, it has been my go-to dress for every casual occasion.  Unfortunately, I am soooooo over maxi dresses.  I could just pass this dress off to someone else, but I love the soft jersey fabric, and I hate to let a good black dress go.

Lately, I’ve been more mini than maxi, so a good chop was in store!


I cut some of the bottom off to make a sash (Sorry…I love sashes!  I can’t let them go!), and this simple refash was all done!  Since the fabric is jersey, there’s no need to hem anything, as it’s not going to fray.  🙂

Now my legs have some breathing room! 🙂

I was quite happy with my old/new dress, and wore it to a fun Rifftrax Night!

I’ve owned this jacket for over 12 years, you guys! 🙂

After the movie, I let Jonel indulge in some fairly shoddy extended arm photography (just teasing, Jonel!)!  😉

I know some nifty people. 🙂

Bob lurks menacingly in the backround!

Jonel, where are you????

Just another fun & silly night with some delightful people!  🙂

So silly indeed!


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