Day 285: Nostalgia Top | ReFashionista

Day 285: Nostalgia Top

When I saw today’s piece at the thrift store, I immediately became nostalgic.  This is a pajama top that is almost identical (just a different color) to a set of pajamas I had in high school that used to be my grandmother’s in the 70′s.  I loved them to death, but accidentally got bleach all over them, and that was that.  :/

Or was it?  🙂

Well hello there, old friend! 🙂

I scoured the thrift store, looking for the bottoms to this top, but they were nowhere to be found.  🙁  Had I actually found them, I would have happily kept them as my new fave pair of jammies!  Sadly, this was not meant to be.  Happily, this means a refashion is in store!  🙂

I put the PJ top on my dress form, and pinned the sides…

Hot. Pinning. Action!

I stitched up the sides on my machine, like ya do.

This is how we do it.

I cut off the extra fabric, but still wasn’t quite pleased with my new top…yet!

Chop! And Chop!

Now my new top is ready for a gloriously sunny day!

Too bad I made it at night. :/

Oh the joys of lounging in a comfy silky top!  See?  You can wear your jammies in public!  😉

Digging that Art Deco applique big time!


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4 Responses to Day 285: Nostalgia Top

Very cute!

Nice! Not clothing, but I had acquired my Grandmother’s costume jewelry after she died. It languished around in mostly broken pieces for years. Most of it was from the 1940s and 50s! A few years ago, I had it remade into new pieces. I love them, and get compliments on the unique pieces all the time!

That is super cute!! I really like what you did with it.

Cute! I am glad you got rid of those sleeves.

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