Day 293: Polka Not Dress | ReFashionista

Day 293: Polka Not Dress

Today’s dress is one hot polka-dotted mess!

I take it back. This dress is all mess and totally sans hot! :/

This shapeless frock doesn’t have much going for it.  :/  I don’t wear very much Navy Blue, so that’s nice I guess (meh?).  Aaaaannnnd…that’s pretty much the only compliment I can offer for this thing.

I plopped this ugly thing on my dress form and started pinning the sides to fit.

I’m not feeling wildly optimistic, folks.

I stitched each side down…

Hmmmnnn…maybe it’ll start taking shape now! 🙂

I cut off the extra fabric, and began to feel better about this dress.  The smaller size made those dots a little less glaring!  🙂  Now I just needed to update the length a skosh.  🙂



Now my dress is looking much better, and fit to be seen in public!  🙂  Jonel even loaned me her sweet new hat for my after pic!

Well I do declayah! 😉

…and then she took it back. 🙁

Belting out some Earth, Wind, & Fire! 🙂

Sam = Karaoke Photographer. 🙂

Cheers!  🙂

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7 Responses to Day 293: Polka Not Dress

Now that is a true miracle! x

A very successful refashion, well done!

I love this one. So cute.

Hi there! I found your blog through my fashion community on LJ. As a fat girl I’d like to let you know that most of us find it insulting that when describing the article of clothing in its ‘before’ state you call it ugly, frumpy, etc., even though the only alteration you make is to fit it to your size and shape. I think it would be much more constructive if instead of making fun of a dress because it is sized for fat women you could put emphasis on how a properly fitted garment makes everyone look better, regardless of that person’s size or shape.

I swear I’m only describing the clothing, not people. A lot of plus-sized clothing isn’t designed to be flattering for plus-sized women, and that’s an issue. A larger chick could do exactly what I’m doing to make these frumptastic clothes cute and fun for them too. I just happen to be scrawny, so I have to take a lot of things in as well. I don’t mean to offend.

and…yet you are offending and assuming a bigger girl couldn’t rock the above frock in the same manner. I get a vibe from several of your posts that bigger clothes=uglier clothes=are only better when small. it’s cool you’re small, but that hat was ugly on anyone of any size.

It appears you’ve made up your mind on this one, so we’ll just have to agree to disagree about my intentions and “vibe”.

You’re wrong about the hat though.

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