Est. 2010
Day 296: Forest Fairy Dress: A T-shirt to Dress Refashion
I’m quite happy with today’s refashion, you guys! 🙂 I started with this $1 3x long sleeve tee from Goodwill.
I chose this big tee for a couple of reasons. First off, it’s made of really high-quality thick cotton jersey, which isn’t always easy to find.
I also knew I’d want to make it into a dress, and the only shirts I can really do this with have to be 2x or greater, otherwise they won’t be long enough.
The first thing I needed to do was get this shirt in shape. 🙂 I put it on my dress form right-side-out and pinned the sides.
Then, I sewed the sides up, except for the sleeves!
Then, I did some cutting!
I cut two small holes right next to the seams on my waist.
I cut the sleeves off the two side strips, and stitched my two strips together.
I reached into my dye stash, and pulled out this guy:
Now, as some of you might remember, the washing machine in my new digs doesn’t get hot water for some reason. :/ As I want a nice, dark, saturated hue for my new dress, cold water just wasn’t an option.
I was also running late to meet a friend from out of town, and really needed to do all of my girly getting ready stuff. This meant I really didn’t have time to sit and stir a pot of dye for an hour. :/
So, I did what any lazy girl would do, I just wadded up the dress and plopped it into a dye bath on my stove, and left it there for an hour. I knew the dye wouldn’t set evenly…but I was optimistic. I figured an uneven dye job could end up looking pretty cool. 🙂
After the hour was up, I rinsed it in my machine.
After it was all rinsed out, I dried it, and tossed it on just in time to head out to meet an old college pal from my theatre days! 🙂
I realllllly like this one! I like my side fin things, how the sash works, and the uneven green color!
My hip new dress was perfect for a day spent at the very hip Indie Grits Film Festival!
But first…I needed to taste a bit of wine at Cellar on Greene. 😉
Then, Gary and I checked out a few short films at the new Nickelodeon Theater…
One of which was in 3-D!
We even got to vote on which films we liked best!
This was such a fun and busy day! We went around checking out the studios a few local artists, and even saw a puppet slam that night!!! Sadly, I couldn’t take any pics (flash photography is a major no-no!), but the show was completely amazeballs!
I love days like this where there are tons of awesome & unique cultural events going on in my little city. It really makes me proud to live here in Columbia, SC. 🙂
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