Day 309: 3 Step Dress | ReFashionista

Day 309: 3 Step Dress

Here’s a no-sew fix that will work really well with most button-up old lady dresses for this summer!  🙂

Step 1:  Find an old lady dress in a print you really like that at least kind of fits you.

This one was made by “Avon Fashions”!

Step 2:  Tuck in the collar, and button up your dress as much as you can, but with the neckline under your arms.

It’s this easy, folks! 🙂

Step 3:  Tie those arms in front of you to cinch the waist!

Make it snug! This is what’s holding up your dress!

I triple-knotted mine, and tucked the ends of the sleeves in to give it a sort of rosette look.

That’s it!

I wore my new dress to the Columbia Museum of Art for their monthly Arts & Draughts event!  🙂

Culture Vultures! 🙂

A decent crowd!

This tree is just nifty! 🙂

My pals and I really enjoyed checking out this new exhibit:

Chairs: Keeping butts happy since…well…whenever! 😀

Sadly, I couldn’t take any pics of any of the chairs (big museum no no!), but you should really try to check this out!

I was happy to run into the awesome Ceramics Artist, Marilee Hall, who was in town visiting with her swell fella!  🙂

Me & Marilee! 🙂

Such a fine night!




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4 Responses to Day 309: 3 Step Dress

That is such a great idea!

DANG I saw so many dresses that this would have been so cute with when I was on my thrift store adventure yesterday!! That is so cute!

I LOVE the paisley pattern!!! Refash success.

I discovered your blog yesterday and went through your whoooole archives! Love it! Then I went thrifting this morning, found a few pieces that I was super excited about re-doing, came home and *lost my nerve*. I think the things I bought were TOO beautiful for a first attempt at refashioning/altering. I’m scared I’ll just ruin them! (Like a mint condition black & red Chinese silk jacket. Only $10, and the only problem is that it’s too big through the middle. I’d hate to wreck it!!)

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