Day 310: Crawfish Fest Top
Well lookie here at this pretty silk skirt! 🙂
And look at this!
Yep. This is a Diane VonFurstenberg skirt that was donated to Revente’s Last Call. Unfortunately, they couldn’t sell it because of this:
You can see in the above pic where someone knotted the stretched-out elastic waistband to make it fit better. I’m all out of thin elastic right now (gotta run to the craft store soon!), but my plan is just to replace it, and give the skirt back to RLC to sell.
…But that’s not really blog-worthy, now is it? 🙂
I put the skirt on my dress form upside-down and inside-out, pinning it with saftey pins on one shoulder.
I didn’t stitch it down, because I knew I wanted to keep this as a skirt. Not to worry! The pins were totally unnoticeable! 🙂
I wore my new top to a friend’s place where we pre-gamed before heading off to the Rosewood Crawfish Festival! 🙂
Unfortunately, I completely underestimated how blazingly hot it was going to be outside!!!! :/ Luckily, I always keep something to change into in my car (Does anyone else do this?). This way if in my many adventures I end up spilling something on myself or needing a to change for any reason at all (Such as say…a Zombie Apocalypse), I’m prepared! My thrifted cotton dress worked muuuuuch better for a day spent in the hot sun! 🙂
I guess I really didn’t have to tell you any of that, but I wanted to share a couple of fun pics from this delightful day with you! 🙂
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2 Responses to Day 310: Crawfish Fest Top
love it!
Love the “was skirt, not top”! 😉 You are very talented.
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