Day 312: Nothing Rhymes with Flannel Dress | ReFashionista

Day 312: Nothing Rhymes with Flannel Dress

There’s a lot to dislike about today’s piece, folks.

No Jillian, the grunge movement happened two decades ago. :/

I am not a fan of flannel shirts.  I realize that they’re comfy, warm, practical, and blah blah blah blah blah, but I don’t care.  There is no reason to wear them in public unless you’re camping…or Paul Bunyan.

I dunno…they seem to dig it!

This shirt had a few problems other than aesthetics to worry about, too!


Holes Galore!

Falling apart at the seams!

What’s a girl to do?!?!

First, I removed those problematic sleeves.  It’s pretty flippin’ hot here in SC, so the extra arm warmage wasn’t necessary!


Hey, Don’t fret! I have plans for you yet! 🙂

Then, I pinned up that wounded side seam.


A quick stitch session followed!

My fingers look HUGE!!!!

For my final trick, I cut the sleeves into strips and stitched them into a sash!

Hi. I’m Jillian. I’m a sashoholic! 🙂

Now that flannel shirt is a much cuter (though still flannel) dress!  🙂

Black + Brown = One of my favorite color combinations 🙂

I probably drink more of this than you do.


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6 Responses to Day 312: Nothing Rhymes with Flannel Dress

This turned out to be very cute! Who knew…? Well, you did obviously, Jillian! Lovely!

Yeah, if anyone could make it look good, it’s you. But I won’t be hunting down any flannels shirts to replicate this look. 🙂

From grunge to gorgeous! I love it, it looks so cute as a sleeveless dress.

LOVE THIS! Flannel is still everywhere on the West Coast xD



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