Day 321: Here Comes the Rain Dress
The thing I really like about the completely blah and shapeless polyester dresses I find for $1 at thrift stores…
So very blah!
…is what wonderful blank slates they are! You can really do just about anything with them! 🙂
I decided to go for a quick, but dramatic no-sew refashion for this one!
First, I trimmed off that bottom hem to make my sash.
Then, I folded the dress in half and made a big asymmetrical cut!
Do you see where this is going? 🙂
Those sleeves needed a bit of a shortening, too!
Short ‘n Sweet!
And that’s it! Now that dress is totally transformed!
Lovin’ the High/Low Hem!!! 🙂
I wore my dress to Finlay Park for a production of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged). I was especially excited, as I was asked to review the show for Jasper Magazine and Onstage Columbia! 🙂
There I was…poised with pen in hand, ready to take notes!
Let’s DO this! 🙂
Erin and I were really optimistic…
This play will be great! We just know it! 🙂
…and then it started to rain. Hard. :/
Oh Noooooo!!!! :/
So…the show was called off. Such a bummer! Luckily, I’ll be able to catch it/review it on what will hopefully be a bright & sunny Saturday! Fingers crossed! I’ll be sure to post the link to my review when it’s released. 🙂
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3 Responses to Day 321: Here Comes the Rain Dress
I am constantly in awe at your bravery in the face of flammable man-made fabrics. Good work!
I have loved what you do here. It makes me feel like I could be brave enough to sew. Is there any chance you would consider putting the before and after side by side?
Great job and shame you didn´t get to see the show (it´s very funny) but it reminded me of Shakespeare in Regent´s Park in London which often gets “rained off”!
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