Day 329: Herbie Tunic | ReFashionista

Day 329: Herbie Tunic

Today’s dress has loads of potential for coolness.  🙂

It’s there! I promise!

Coolness would be really appreciated today, as temps have climbed into the 90′s.  Now, the heat isn’t such a terrible thing as there are such things as Air Conditioning and Cold Beer…unless you’re stuck in an empty restaurant parking lot with a dead car battery for a couple of hours.  :/  By the time I got home, I only had a few minutes to do today’s refashion and still get to a Roller Derby Double Header on time!

Soooooo…I made a nice sideways chop!

High meet Low! 🙂

I had absolutely no time to mess with a proper hem, so I grabbed this guy:

There shall be no fraying!!!!

I applied my Fray Block to the outer edge of my raw hem, and tossed my new tunic on over my fave pair of silk shorts!  🙂

I’m kind of obsessed with High/Low hems right now. Can you tell?

While out and about, a pal showed me this!

Whoah!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

That’s right, folks!  I’m in the June issue of Columbia Metropolitan magazine (not available online just yet)!  🙂

And yet they gave the cover to Dawndy for some reason. ;P

I was especially excited to see the Carolina Wreckingballs play, as they are the first Men’s derby team to form in my area.  🙂  I was less than excited when a friend of mine got injured.  🙁 He’s a tough cookie though, and stayed to support his team…even with a broken collar-bone!!!

Gordi refashioned a sling out of a hoodie!

After my Day o’ Derby, I headed to Art Bar to celebrate the birthday of one swell fella!

Hollar & Harper! 🙂

My photographer swore this was an interesting angle. 😉

What a hectic day!  🙂



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4 Responses to Day 329: Herbie Tunic

Congratulations on the magazine article ~ that’s wonderful!

Love the fray block (have never seen it here) and huge congrats on the article!

Soooooo cool to be featured in print!!!! Congrats!

How exciting to be in print! Well done!

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