Day 341: I Dip, You Dip, We Dip! Dress | REFASHIONISTA

Est. 2010

Day 341: I dip, you dip, we dip! Dress

After an all-nighter spent getting my new digs cleaned up/set up, I was in no mood to deal with this blah blah BLAH frock!  🙁

Alas!  Deal with it I must (It’s kinda the whole point of this blog, in case you haven’t noticed)!

Not only was this dress realllly unattractive, it had another little problem!

I have some interesting plans for this one, folks!  First I trimmed off that bottom hem detail and put it aside.

This dress was too big for me, so I got to work taking it in.

Then, I took a bit more length from the bottom…

…and gave my dress a new hem!

Day 341:  I dip, you dip, we dip!  Dress 9

Okay, so now my dress was taken in and hiked up, but still boring as could be!

I reached for a box o’ dye…

I made a dye bath on my stove, and submerged most of the bottom half of the dress in it.

I left the dress in its bath for about 40 minutes.  I gave it a good rinse & dry, and was almost done!  🙂

I carefully trimmed the fabric from that crocheted section I removed from the dress, and sewed the crocheted sections end to end to make a sash!

Then, I fixed that little hole.  🙂

Check out that boring dress now!  🙂

I wore my new dress for an after-work brewski…

…then got home and flopped my exhausted self into bed!  🙂


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I love this one! You have inspired me to experiment with dye! xoxo

Linda Lacasse Fowles

I really love the dye effect!

Judith Dyer

Terrific! Just where was that hole?


Thank ya! The hole was in the back of the dress. 🙂


Love it!

Chica Andaluza

Gorgeous – you did a great job with that dye!

Alison Barrick

Wow – such a great transformation! And – I must say I am loving your new hairstyle these days too. GREAT that you have a new place all your own – congrats!


I love this one! I really must try dyeing some stuff…

What do you think?


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