Day 44: How to Borrow Your Friends’ Clothes When They Don’t Fit You
The title says it all. I’m a fairly scrawny gal. When Revente’s Last Call gave me this gorgeous BCBG dress, it only had a couple of teensy problems.
The first was, it’s a size 8. I’m around a size 2.
The next thing (and the reason it was considered unsellable) was that the zipper pull had broken. Not the whole zipper…just the pull.
I grabbed an earring that had lost its mate and my pliers from my big pink tool kit.
I removed the hook, and attached the earring as the new (fancy) zipper pull!
Really, this earring is probably too big for this. I think it looks interesting though (and it was the only mateless one I had on hand). Once again, wearing weird stuff usually ends up with people assuming I’m ahead of trends. Little do they know, I have no clue what the eff I’m doing for pretty much most of the time. 🙂
You can also use mateless earrings as pulls for your ceiling fans. I have them all over my house. 🙂
Okay…so the zipper problem is solved, but what about the size?
I didn’t want to permanently alter this dress if I didn’t have to. It was positively gorgeous, and resizing to my exact measurements would mean that only people with my exact measurements could wear it. Plus, Patti at RLC looked sad to see this dress go. I promised her it would be returning soon, and I decided to let it return as its original size.
So, instead of sewing a dart, I pinned one in the back.
This is a neat trick if you have friends that are bigger than you whose clothes you’d like to borrow.
The result? I can now wear this beyoootiful dress!
You can’t even tell I did anything to the back. 🙂
I wore this rockin’ frock to the Michael Krajewski’s farewell to Columbia show, Razorblade Kisses at HoFP Gallery. Sadly (for SC), he’s headed to NYC. It always makes me a little bummed when our talented artists leave.
…Especially when they’re really cute! 😉
Fella and I looked at his clever, colorful work.
I wish him all the best in his future endeavors!
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One Response to Day 44: How to Borrow Your Friends’ Clothes When They Don’t Fit You
This is a fantastic tip. I have so many clothes that are to big (this is my reward for losing weight), I am going to have to try this.
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