Day 6: A Home for Mat | ReFashionista

Day 6: A Home for Mat

Today, I decided to make my own yoga mat bag in celebration of my arm being healed enough for me to go back to class.  🙂  I was tired of just toting my naked mat around after seeing all the cute yoga mat bags the other ladies in my class had.

I need a home. 🙁

I started off with this pair of pants that are a bit dated, suuuuuuper short, and faded.

Sing the praises of pants…just not these.

I removed one of the pockets, so I could add it to the bag later.

Then, I lopped off one of the legs that would end up being the body of my new bag.


Next, I stitched on the pocket near what would end up being the bottom of the bag.  This will be the perfect place for me to stash my gym membership card. 🙂

Next, I used my seam ripper to remove the D-rings from the belt, and sewed the belt to the bag to make a carrying strap.  🙂

Stitch it!

I was finally ready to close up the edges on my bag!  I turned the whole thing inside-out and got down to business.

Closing it up!

If you’re doing this project at home, keep in mind that you won’t want to close up your bag until you’ve added your strap and pocket, as it’s much harder (if not impossible) to get to without the hole.  🙂

I cut a slit in what was originally the hem of the pants leg (now the top of my bag), and used it as a casing for a drawstring.  I had an old curtain tie-back in my stash ‘o scraps, so I just used that.  🙂

A pop of color! 🙂

Now I’m ready to go back to my yoga class in style!  🙂

Ms. Mannequin models

 Namaste, friends!  🙂

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4 Responses to Day 6: A Home for Mat

A very nifty idea – I love that you can turn anything into something else!

Fantastic idea.

This is FABULOUS! What an awesome way to remake one of your clothing pieces. I am LOVING your July posts and look forward to reading through each one. Great job!

Thanks! Let’s see if I can keep ‘em coming for a whole year!

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