Day 64: Marigold Dress & The Nana Giveaway Winner! | ReFashionista

Day 64: Marigold Dress & The Nana Giveaway Winner!

I absolutely love the First Thursday Art Series that happens on the first Thursday (duh!) of the month on Main Street.  I needed something fun & artsy to wear while scouring the many art shows/ exhibitions.

Unfortunately, all I found was this: :/

Hey…at lest it matches the walls!

What you’re looking at is a double-layered, rather boxy dress.  I’m not scared!  🙂

First off, I carefully cut off the sleeves.  It’s still quite warm here in SC, and my arms need some breathing room! 🙂

Sleeves Begone!

To make the dress more fitted and much more interesting, I took the top layer of fabric at the side seam, and twisted it around to the other side towards the back.

See what I’m doing here?

You’re not going to want to sew this in place, as you won’t be able to get in or out of the dress if you do.  I took a safety pin and pinned that top piece of fabric to the bottom layer where I wanted it.

Of course, you’ve gotta hide that pin, and that’s why this took me a few tries and a pricked thumb!

Once I was all pinned and secure, I tossed on my favorite gold braided belt and was ready to get my culture on!

Sort of Grecian-looking, eh?

My favorite stop on my tour of Main Street was the Tapp’s Art Center.  The Tapp’s Building was originally a big department store that is in the process of being converted into artist studios/Galleries/Performance space.  In the past, I’ve been disappointed in the quality of some of the art presented there, but this time I was happy to see some amazing work by some of Columbia’s most talented artists!

I really liked the creepy mannequin/barbie window installation.  🙂

Don’t be afraid of the creepy mannequins.

Check out this Giant Whale from S&S Art Supply!  🙂

That giant wooden whale is used to make prints! Cool, huh?

But enough about me!  We have much more important things to discuss.  Namely, that Nana by Sally Giveaway!  🙂

And the winner is…

To choose the winner, I made a list of all the entries, and then went to to get a number.  I counted down the list to that number, and presto!  I have a random winner!  🙂

I’m pleased to announce that the winner of the awesome Sophie Clutch is…(drum roll, please!)…

Tilcata!  I’ve sent her an email notifying her of her win.  🙂

Thanks to everyone who entered this giveaway, and a big huge mondo Thank You to Sally Peek for donating one of her lovely bags.

If you’re feeling down because you didn’t win this Nana Bag, don’t fret…you can still swing by the Nana Website to purchase a lovely Nana Bag of your very own!  🙂


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4 Responses to Day 64: Marigold Dress & The Nana Giveaway Winner!

I love the idea of wrapping the top layer! It looks great! And, congratulations Tilcata!

I have the same dress in blue which I bought in a charity shop to refashion…now I know what to do with it! Congrats to Tilcata!

I’m jealous! I would much rather have this dress in blue! 🙂 Send me a pic of you in your twin dress! 🙂

THANK YOUSO MUCH! I’ve already planned its debut into my wardrobe.

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