Day 8: Mellow Yellow | ReFashionista

Day 8: Mellow Yellow

Today’s dress wasn’t making me feel very mellow when I first saw it.

I’m trying to smile, but I’m really not feeling it.  🙁  We’re looking at a Talbots (really well-made) size 8 frock in a happy yellow hue.  It’s too big, the collar looks stupid, and it’s too long. 

First, I took in the sides.  I ended up taking it in 2″ at the top on each side, and 1″ at the hips on each side.

First ya pin. Then ya sew.

After the sides were taken in, I chopped off some of that length.  I strongly advise you to always take in your piece before doing anything with the length.  Taking in a dress usually makes it shorter.  I can’t tell you how many dresses have turned out much shorter than I intended because I shortened, and then took in. 


I hemmed my new dress, and then set about removing that silly collar.

The Seam Ripper: It’s your friend!Byeeeeee!

I sewed the raw edges of the neck back, and was finally done!  

They call me Mellow Yellow.


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2 Responses to Day 8: Mellow Yellow

What a difference that made! This looks much better.

What a transformation! It looks totally different. Love your belt too.

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