Day 82: Bacchus Dress | ReFashionista

Day 82: Bacchus Dress

Tonight, I wanted nothing more than to lounge and veg.  Enter today’s piece.


You’re looking at a silk 3X women’s sleep shirt.  There’s a lot of potential for a super-comfy luxurious frock in that shirt!  Nothing feels better than lounging in silk…nothing!  🙂

I immediately got to work taking this in.

Taking it in!

In the above pic, you can see where I placed my pins 5″ in.  I ran the whole thing through my machine, cut off that excess fabric, and now have a dress that Bacchus would approve of!

Bacchus: The Roman God of Winos. 🙂

Quite Roman!

While my friend Bacchus feasted on grapes and wine, my tastes were a tad more plebeian for the evening.  😉

Jillian: The Goddess of Popcorn and Beer!


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5 Responses to Day 82: Bacchus Dress

Hope you enjoyed your “lounge” – you certainly did it in style!

Nice touch with the necklace! This post is so witty!

Thank you! I had been bummed for weeks, because I thought I lost my owlie, but Fella found him in a piece of our luggage just the other day! 🙂

Ditto to the wittiness of your post. I can always count on you to make me smile. Hat’s off to another success. Looked like you were all set for a good movie. Enjoy.

Haha! Fella and I actually ended up watching The Boy in the Plastic Bubble. We have a thing for bad movies. 🙂

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